An unidentified bike breached the security of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar during his morning walk at around 7 a.m. when he was going to his 7, Circular Road residence from 1, Aney Marg, the official residence of CM.
An eyewitness in the security of Mr. Kumar said, “When CM was on his regular morning walk, two bikers on one bike breached the security and their speed was almost 100 kmph. They were about to hit him but he applied his mind and jumped back to the footpath from the road. If the CM would have not jumped back, then a major accident would have taken place today.”
However, the security personnel caught the biker and Special Security Group (SSG) Commandant Hari Mohan Shukla and Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Rajeev Mishra have been summoned to Mr. Kumar’s residence.
The place where the incident happened is the high-security zone where the residences of former CM Rabri Devi, Lalu Prasad Yadav and Deputy CM Tejashwi Prasad Yadav are also there.
Soon after the incident, the police seized the bike and both bikers were detained. Police are further investigating the matter and both bikers have been brought to Sachivalaya Police Station for questioning. The CCTV footage of the area is also being scanned.
This is not the first time such a security breach has occurred. Earlier in Bakhtiyarpur, a youth had hit the Chief Minister on his back when he had gone to take part in a programme.
Mr. Kumar has Z plus security cover with SSG commandos. Apart from Bihar Military Police (BMP), the Bihar Police are also given the responsibility of his security cover.