Director of Private Partnerships and Philanthropy at the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees Roaa Fathi has emphasized that Saudi Arabia is a significant partner of UNHCR in all its relief efforts through the generous financial donations to refugees around the world.
Fathi commended the humanitarian role of the Kingdom, and its continuous support for UNHCR’s operations as well as its permanent cooperation through several charitable and development institutions, including the King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) and the Saudi Red Crescent Authority, in addition to the support, health, and educational care it provides.
Fathi’s remarks came during her participation in the “Bisat Al-Reeh” exhibition, which is being held during the activities of the Kingdom’s Ramadan Season at Jeddah Superdome Center.
She indicated that the UNHCR aims, through this community participation, to introduce visitors to the Saudi government’s humanitarian and relief efforts and its assistance to UNHCR's work within the framework of the Agency’s deeply-rooted partnership with the Kingdom in aiding and providing relief to refugees and those displaced as a result of wars and conflicts.
Fathi also pointed out that the UNHCR is keen, through its participation in the 22nd edition of the “Bisat Al-Reeh” exhibition, on expanding its partnerships with the private sector and charity and non-profit organizations, citing their significant contributions to aiding relief efforts worldwide and the sustainable solutions they provide for millions of refugees and displaced persons and alleviate their suffering.
The 22nd edition of the “Bisat Al-Reeh” exhibition is organized by the National Charity Foundation for Home Health Care (NHHCF), which is known as “We Care.”