Spoiler alert: this recap is for people watching Unforgotten season five. Do not read on unless you have watched episode four and please don’t post spoilers if you’ve watched ahead.
Son of a gun
Did Precious Falade’s estranged son, Joseph “Jay” Royce (Rhys Yates), just become prime suspect for his mother’s murder? After that late twist, quite possibly. Interviewed at last by DCI Jessica James (Sinéad Keenan) and DI Sunil Khan (Sanjeev Bhaskar), Jay was at pains to distance himself from his mum, denying any violent rows and claiming not to have seen her for 10 years – contrary to reports that he’d slept on her floor in 2016. Instead, he pointed the finger firmly at cult leader David Bell, claiming this nasty piece of work had abused him and Precious, physically, sexually and psychologically.
When Jay’s harassed brief was mysteriously replaced by a pricey lawyer who put up £10,000 bail, it became clear it was Lord Tony Hume (Ian McElhinney) who he’d phoned from prison last week. The only reason, said Jay, was to get home to his vulnerable girlfriend sooner. Coming face-to-face with the Conservative grandee was a bonus. Jay coldly explained how he’d feared this powerful figure ever since “that night”. Now he saw that Hume was more scared – and punched him for good measure. Avenging his mother’s honour, rather than her murder? Tory Tone currently seems more sexual predator than killer.

Returning to Cheryl (Hebe Beardsall), Jay calmly kicked out his love rival-cum-substitute carer. Seeming to grow in stature, he’s increasingly an enigma. We heard a heartbreaking tale of childhood neglect and ricocheting around the care system but also descriptions as “devious, violent and capable of murder”. Cue the ballistics results on that bullet found at the crime scene. It matched a gun used in a 2015 armed robbery by Elton King, a gang associate of Jay’s. King had an alibi for 2016 because he was behind bars. Had Jay taken the shooter and turned it on his mother? With two episodes to go, expect twists.
Armed, drunk and dangerous
Jessie’s verdict on Jay? “His family lie very well.” Indeed, his grandmother Ebele (Martina Laird) was also looking decidedly shady. The recovering alcoholic had fallen off the wagon and woken up in a doorway after a booze binge. Her frantic partner, chef Dave (Mark Frost), found her unrepentant in a pub. A lawyer in London wanted to speak to her urgently. Presumably Hume’s legal team on a damage control mission.

A neighbour at 64 Waterman Road – what curtain-twitching residents that street has – had witnessed a violent row between mother and daughter outside the property, 12 days before Precious’ possible death and six months after Ebele claimed she’d last seen her. Ebele’s ominous sounding firearms offence was played down as a drunken dare to “hold up a bank”, like you do. The doorman at whom she’d waved the air pistol had backed down but his prank story didn’t convince. Had he been bribed to change his tune? Do we detect the dirty work of Tory Tone again? He’s surely most likely to have links to a stockbrokers’ office.
Elsewhere in financial news, Precious’ bank statements turned up clues. She survived mainly on benefits and occasional sex work, so were those monthly cash deposits of £300 to £400 some sort of payoff? What about a standing order from “DSH”? Does H stand for Hume or is that too predictable after last week’s “LA = Lord Anthony” shorthand? It also emerged that Precious was living in the Hammersmith house weeks after Hume evicted the squatters and changed the locks. Was accommodation part of their dodgy deal?
Swiss Tony (not the Fast Show one)
Tory Tone had a week from hell. Told there was no miracle cure for his cancer, he tried to throw money at the problem. When that didn’t work, he threw down his phone in disgust. Westminster crony Mehdi Hussein (Abhin Galeya) informed him that his youth club grant application had been rejected. No atonement here. The entitled toff petulantly said his former protege was called “Mehdi-ocrity” behind his back. Mehdi replied that at least he mattered enough to merit a nickname.
Several smacks in the teeth, followed by an actual one from Jay. No wonder Hume ended the episode asking the assisted dying facility in Switzerland to “bring things forward”. He’s clearly hiding dark deeds. It would be most unsatisfying if he escaped justice by ending his life.
DC Karen “Kaz” Willetts (Pippa Nixon) scrutinised Mehdi’s Wikipedia profile, noting how he was handed his first government post by Hume in 2016 – the year of Precious’ murder. Was this significant? Is it too much of a stretch to note that Mehdi’s surname also begins with H? Another candidate for those DSH payments to Precious.
Thief, liar, voyeur. But a killer?

Over in Paris, Karol Wojski (Max Rinehart) was set to fence those stolen £10,000 watches when Sunny arrived, Eurostar luggage label on his trusty backpack. The shady ex-social worker admitted Precious had been failed by the care system, partly due to funding (“‘Let’s raise taxes and give it to addicts’ doesn’t easily fit on the side of a bus” – further evidence of Chris Lang’s newly politicised scripts). He denied any connection between their appointment at Waterman Road and quitting the next day but was clearly covering up something – note those flashbacks to a protest against antisemitism, a fist and blood-spattered wallpaper.
Karol was keen to divert suspicion towards Jay and Ebele, noting how “trauma ran down the generations”. When his girlfriend’s ex interrupted the interrogation, it didn’t bode well for their child custody battle. Karol’s warehouse colleague gave him the chance to return the loot but Karol was too late. The Gendarmerie had already arrived. He’s running out of wriggle room on all sides.
Back in London, worrying intel came to light. Karol’s co-case worker told DS Fran Lingley (Carolina Main) that he’d suffered mental health issues due to two racist assaults, which precipitated a personality change. There were even rumours he’d left in disgrace after “upskirting” a colleague. Zut alors.
It’s a fair cop, finally
“Get your shit together,” Jessie told herself. Our sleuths struggled to keep their minds on the job as their home lives got even messier. Kudos to all those who called it. “My gorgeous hubby™” had indeed slept with her sister Debbie (Gráinne Keenan). Weeping in her kitchen was Jessie’s first real display of vulnerability.

Meanwhile, Sunny’s fiance Sal (Michelle Bonnard) confirmed she’d lost the baby and sadly noted they’d been engaged for nine months with no sign of a wedding date. Sal felt shut out of Sunny’s grief. “It’s hard to feel jealous of a dead woman but I do,” she admitted with admirable honesty. Sunny’s deceased colleague Cassie continues to cast a long shadow. I fear for the couple’s future unless poor Sunny can sort himself out pronto.
Quite the pair. When Guv-not-Ma’am missed the Zoom interviews for background on Jay, Sunny snapped. “I can’t work like this,” he told his supposed partner in crime. “Next to you but not with you.” “I can’t be her,” replied Jessie. What is it we were saying about Cassie’s shadow? At last they had the clear-the-air chat we’ve wanted for weeks, both sharing their personal crises. “You win,” smiled Sunny ruefully, agreeing to “reset” their relationship. Just in time, with the case gathering pace and the penultimate episode looming. Cut to DS Murray Boulting (Jordan Long) driving to rural Wales. Set satnav for “sinister cult farm”.
Line of the week
“My fucking sister. Literally.” Even in the midst of betrayal, Jessie’s sardonic wit was intact.
Notes and observations

Nice detail how Tory Tone’s full name is “Lord Anthony Fairfax St Pierre Hume”. Any resemblance to Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson is purely coincidental. Probably.
Police lingo included “PNC check” (Police National Computer), “C&C trawl” (Command & Control) and “12-month bender” (suspended sentence).
Terrific performances this week from Sinéad Keenan (which was to be expected) and young Rhys Yates (proving a real scene-stealer as damaged, blank-faced Jay).
Did you spot Simon Greenall, AKA Michael the geordie, pop up as Jay’s former youth custody officer? What’s it all aboot, Mr Partridge?
Who’s your prime suspect? Were you cheering as our lead pair made peace? Share your thoughts and theories below. The entire series is available on ITVX but we’ll post these recaps after the weekly episodes on ITV1, so no spoilers if you’ve watched ahead please …