An uncle of gangland murder victim James Whelan says karma will catch up with those who killed his nephew and firebombed his sister’s home.
Former criminal Scott Delaney Knight, who was once involved in serious crime, also told how today’s gangsters waging war in Dublin are of a “different breed” and how his family are “distraught” over James’s murder.
“We’re all distraught over James’ death. He was just a huge-hearted young kid that never bothered anyone since he was a child,” he said.
READ MORE: Gardai fear all out war over Mr Flashy gang feud after firebomb attack on home of James Whelan's mum
Convicted drug dealer Scott, 47, who is a son of infamous gangland killer ‘Cotton Eye’ Joe Delaney, spoke to us in the wake of a horrific arson attack on his sister Sonya Whelan’s home in Finglas over the weekend.
Ms Whelan’s son James, 29, was brutally shot dead by a gang run by the mobster known as ‘Mr Flashy’ last month. On Saturday, Ms Whelan, who has no involvement in criminality, narrowly escaped with her own life following the horrific attack on her Finglas home.
The brutal attack marks a serious escalation in an ongoing feud between associates of slain Whelan and Mr Flashy’s mob.
But speaking exclusively to our sister paper The Star, Scott says his sister Sonya never harmed anyone and is a blameless victim - and that karma will catch up with those responsible in the end.
“You see karma is something that people overlook in this lifetime, but as it is what you give out you get back in this lifetime, one thing is for sure, everyone gets what they deserve, and you can be 100 per cent sure of that,” he said.

“My beautiful sister won’t answer the phone to anyone on this planet right now, no one at all. She needs her own space and peace.
“She never ever bothered anyone in her whole life, so yes, James’s passing is absolutely devastating, so she wants no one on this planet near her for a long, long time.
“James meant everything on this planet to her.”
It is understood Sonya Whelan was asleep in bed when a fire alarm went off after the ‘Mr Flashy’ mob set her house and car alight.
Speaking today, Scott, who previously served time in prison for kidnapping and torturing a man who his father ‘Cotton Eye’ then murdered, says he knows little about the ongoing gangland feud in Finglas - having removed himself from the underworld altogether.
“In regards to getting justice (for James), I’m sure the murder squad have opened a full case.
“I haven’t been in Dublin since July 2021 and I honestly haven’t a clue what’s going on in the streets of Dublin (now),” he said.
“My family and I live on another planet now far, far away from that life. It’s long, long gone,” he said.
“James was only a wild young kid.
“He just loved clothes, dogs, and cars like every other kid on the planet.”
Scott, who previously pleaded guilty to the sale and supply of cannabis last year, says he’s now walked away from a life of crime - as he says the youngsters now at war across Dublin are playing a very different game.
“That world lies in the hands of a whole different breed of criminals right now. I’m long long gone.“I haven’t lived in that world since 2017,” he said.
“I’m very much clean from the drugs world today.
“I haven’t got a clue who’s who or what’s going on in that world or on the streets of Dublin or the Republic anymore. I am completely done forever with the Irish underworld and anyone involved in crime in Dublin will confirm this.
“It’s not the world I grew up in anymore. It was ecstasy, hash and weed when I lived in it, not “Crack Cocaine” or the “Genocide Powder” (Heroin),” he said.
“That world is a far, far different world to the one I grew up in.”
Scott believes heroin has destroyed the country - and he says he and his family are against drugs.
“No one that walks this planet hates the “Genocide Powder” as much as me, and if there is I’d love to meet them," he said.
Asked if he had any advice for young people who might get involved in the world of gangland today - Scott warned that it’s a dangerous game.
“There’s a saying in the underworld, “The Cutest hen lays out”.
“It means you need to hide in the background from everyone like in pubs, nightclubs and parties and not hanging around your area.
“It means you and your people stick together well and keep out of sight from other criminals and gardai, and never, ever have anyone near your home or even let anyone know where you or your girlfriend live,” he said.
Scott added that there are many dangers associated with that life - but his advice of laying low will protect some from harm, he says.
“That will protect you from a million problems like notorious rats, leeches, addicts and gardai.
“Rats are as dangerous in the underworld and organized crime as a peadophile is near a community with young children.
“Learn to be perfect with timing and watch people’s moves closely.
“If someone doesn’t 100 per cent appeal to you, disappear right away. It’ll save you, your family and friends their lives and you’ll most likely live until you and your girlfriend both die long term of natural causes,” he said.
“Always remember, 90 percent of the time, the underworld always ends up bad in the end.
“If you master the quote, “the cutest hen lays out” you will make it through the underworld and die alongside your wife of natural causes and a very old age,” he claimed.
Asked if it might be better to deter young people from entering that world at all, Scott said that is a difficult ask.
“Trust me bro, once people want money there’s no way on the planet you’ll stop them from turning to serious crime.
“The lord God himself won’t keep people from wanting money,” he said.
Scott’s father ‘Cotton Eye’ was released from prison in 2020 - after serving over two decades behind bars for the brutal 1996 abduction and killing of criminal Mark Dwyer.
His 1999 trial drew headlines after he became the first person convicted for a gangland murder.
The father-of-three was seen by gardai as the leader of a Dublin drug gang which had been associated with a number of violent crimes.
During his 23-day murder trial, the jury heard that the victim, Mr Dwyer was shot dead after being tortured for a number of hours in what prosecution alleged was a revenge killing, after 40,000 ecstasy tablets went missing.
The court was also shocked after the mobster’s son Scott testified against his father, saying that he had witnessed him agree a fee with a gunman to have Mr Dwyer shot and, when he protested, his father punched him in the face.
Masked and armed men burst into a house in Ballybough, bound and gagged Dwyer and fled the scene, along with Scott Delaney, in a black BMW.
They took Dwyer and Scott Delaney to Cotton Eye’s house in La Rochelle, Naas, Co Kildare.
When they arrived Cotton Eye Joe was already “freaked”, according to his son.
Wielding a baseball bat he ordered Dwyer to be brought into the main bedroom where he was handcuffed with a bag placed over his head.
He was then tortured for more than three hours with a claw hammer and iron bars.
Scott Delaney testified to seeing the carpet being torn up and dumped because of the amount of blood that had gushed on to it.
Dwyer screamed for mercy for more than three hours but did not make a confession.
While Joe Delaney carried out the torture he regularly stopped to snort lines of cocaine and take a few drinks of whiskey.
He kept playing the M People song Search For A Hero over and over in an attempt to drown out the screams of his victim.
It didn’t work as the sounds of torture could be heard all over the house.
Eventually, the victim and Scott were taken to a remote field near Finglas in north Dublin and Mr Dwyer was shot in the back of the head.
Scott Delaney initially was sentenced to life in prison for the murder - but his conviction was quashed in 2002.
In the end he served a separate 10 year sentence for the kidnap and torture of Mr Dwyer, while his father served 25 years for the killing.
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