It wouldn’t be Opening Day without a blatant reminder that Major League umpires hate fun. A balloon didn’t stand a chance in the path of umpire Laz Diaz.
During Thursday’s opener between the Giants and Yankees, a stray balloon made its way onto the field and floated around towards home plate.
Diaz could have just handed the balloon to the bat boy, and everyone could have just moved on with the game. But Diaz had a different take on the Ump Show. He picked up the balloon (after initially struggling to corral it) and popped it right there with a very aggressive grip. And, of course, he missed the call on the next pitch.
Umpire confirms he hates fun then he makes a terrible strike three call pic.twitter.com/S4uDDtu97D
— Talkin' Yanks (@TalkinYanks) March 30, 2023
I love how Yankee Stadium booed Diaz for popping the balloon. Like, was that really necessary? It made the bat boy’s job harder because now he had to pick up the debris.
But man, if you’re going to pop a balloon with your bare hands, you at least need to call balls and strikes accurately. Diaz did not. Josh Donaldson was called out on strikes on a pitch that missed the plate outside, and he understandably wasn’t pleased.
MLB fans were also not kind to Diaz after that sequence.
This was how Twitter reacted
Laz Diaz confirmed hater of fun things https://t.co/vpRE9031CF
— Mystic Mike (@MalThrowsLocks) March 30, 2023
I can’t stand him lol https://t.co/uaXjqlIPNK
— Justin (@brackett_justin) March 30, 2023
Laz Diaz in mid season form https://t.co/HnakOzjB1w
— Jaimes (@therealSigmaPi) March 30, 2023
Laz Diaz caught a blue balloon that came near home plate at Yankee Stadium. He popped it. Ump show.
— Stephen J. Nesbitt (@stephenjnesbitt) March 30, 2023
Laz Diaz thinks people paid their hard earned money to see him pop a balloon on the field. Robo umps now 😭
pic.twitter.com/ioMYYlDfj0— SLAM CENTRAL STATION (@SlamCentralNYY) March 30, 2023
Laz Díaz is all business and no fun😒 pic.twitter.com/0I33AvWnxo
— Pinstripe Strong (@PinstripeStrong) March 30, 2023
Laz Diaz hates balloons & accuracy
— Emily Nyman (@EmSheDoesIt) March 30, 2023
I really wanted that balloon to have passive-aggressive comments on it, but it doesn't look like it.
Laz Diaz with an aggressive pop and then an emphatic punchout on the next pitch, which was low & out.pic.twitter.com/t1PAPhiVfF
— Tommy Garrett (@TommygarrettPFN) March 30, 2023
Laz Diaz taking out his balloon anger on a bad strike 3 call. 🤣🤣 #OpeningDay
— Dan, RN (@dnorman83) March 30, 2023