As parents, we are concerned about “all formula milk” being included in a list of ultra-processed foods (Nearly a third of baby foods sold in UK are ultra-processed, research finds, 8 June).
While technically formula milk may fit this category, it is a life-saving product that provides complete nutrition to babies. It is used by most UK parents at some point in their baby’s first year, for very good reasons. Formula supplementation in the early days of life has been demonstrated by randomised trials to reduce infant hospital readmissions for neonatal jaundice and other complications of insufficient milk intake.
The development of safe and high-quality formula milk has changed the outlook for thousands of babies. Choosing to include it in a list of products that risk “children’s long-term health and development” is not only potentially stigmatising and shaming, it risks parents and healthcare professionals avoiding formula when it is necessary, and babies suffering from underfeeding and its resultant complications.
Sue Haddon, Dr Ruth Ann Harpur and Catherine Roy
Infant Feeding Alliance
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