Ulrika Jonsson is a Swedish-British presenter and model first appearing on television screens as a weather presenter before becoming a national icon on ITV's Gladiators.
Since then, the former model has made a host of appearances and never been one to shy away from hot topics.
She spoke with the Daily Mirror about her experience with menopause in the hopes to further educate other women in a similar boat.
For Ulrika, her first indications something was not quite right began at the age of 46 but she “had no idea it was related to menopause or peri-menopause".
First menopause symptoms
“It was really the unexplained anxiety that was the starting point," Ulrika explained.
“I had a bit of weight gain and mood swings as well but the one that scared me the most was the memory loss because I had no idea what was happening.”
She continued that she still felt young and therefore “wasn't expecting the menopause” and that there was “so much I didn’t know then... I thought I had years before it would happen”.

The presenter went on: “I thought the menopause wouldn't arrive at my door till my late 50s, early 60s.
“So I was really perplexed as to why these things were happening to my body.
“I felt naïve for not knowing - especially as I felt very in tune with my body after having had four kids.”
Asking if her menopausal symptoms affected her sex life, Ulrika answered: “No, I guess I was lucky from that perspective that it hasn't affected my libido.
“Well, not since I started HRT anyway.”
What is HRT?
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a therapy to help reduce symptoms associated with the menopause, also known as menopausal hormone therapy (MHT).
Ulrika got straight into the therapy as her own mum had shared what she took during the menopause.
Most HRT is offered on the NHS with leading pharmacists stocking the medication.
Ulrika was able to use one of the most natural forms of HRT, where doctors are able to track a woman’s blood and work out what hormones they may be deficient in to tailor the treatment.
“Mine is called Bio-dentical HRT and sadly, it's not on the NHS, so I count myself very fortunate but it is an absolute priority for my wellbeing - mental and physical.”
Diet and lifestyle habits to help with menopause symptoms

When it came to diet or lifestyle changes she incorporated after the menopause to help ease symptoms, Ulrika said: “I have a very active lifestyle so I didn’t feel I needed to make any big changes there.
“I am an avid cook and that results in a good diet. I walk and garden and stay on the move.
“It’s all about balance though - enjoy the odd glass of rum! A little of what you fancy does you good.”
When asked for any advice or tips for other women going through the menopause, Ulrika advised that firstly “you are not alone".
“Get the knowledge you need to be prepared for your menopause and stay confident.
“Educate yourself about the signs you may experience, from hot sweats to bladder leaks, so you know what to expect and how to handle them.
“Talk to friends and family and understand the products and resources that can help.”
She reiterated how important education is, having partnered with Always Discreet to help to support more than 100,000 women with their Menopause Education Hub.
This includes free menopause masterclasses in things like pelvic floor workouts, “so it’s a good place to start,” she added.
Sadly, menopause still today remains a taboo subject and when asked why this may be the case, Ulrika said: “I think the menopause taboo is starting to be shattered after lots of talk about it over the last few years, which is brilliant.
“However, the unspoken taboo that shocked me is that 50% of women during menopause may develop bladder leakage.
“I thought I knew everything about the menopause, but had no idea about this.
“Those affected could really be supported if they understood what was going on.
“Pelvic floor exercises really worked for me and are so easy to do.
“ Always Discreet has worked with Pelvic Health expert Jane Wake to develop a really easy to do yet effective exercise called 'The Lift'."
Ulrika Jonsson has partnered with sensitive bladder products brand Always Discreet to raise awareness.
Always Discreet offers free supportive information on their Menopause Education Hub advising how to live a life with no compromise.
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