The Ukrainian Pentecostal Church in Jessamine County is holding a second fundraiser to help Ukrainians affected by the Russian invasion. Victor Selepina is the organizer. He recently returned from a trip to Ukraine to deliver supplies including medicine and bullet-proof vests to volunteers helping refugees. He said the focus may shift to providing other supplies.
“We’re looking at other avenues to get food, because the supply houses, even in Poland are getting low. For example, ramen noodle soup that you pour in hot water, they literally ran out, we can’t get that anymore.”
He said while finding some supplies were difficult, their previous effort was a success. However, the price of those supplies is climbing.
“For example, a truckload that we used to pay, a truckload of a all kinds of different assortment of food. If it was anywhere from 40-45 thousand dollars, a full truck load of food, now it’s around 60 thousand dollars.”
The previous bake sale and lunch raised over 145-thousand dollars. This weekend’s fundraiser starts Saturday morning at 10am and runs until 3PM.