Zelensky says ‘Russian society has raised a second Hitler’ in attack on Putin
Ukrainian forces have beat back “intense” attacks from Russian forces on the eastern front as Moscow bids to retake lost positions in the region, according to military officials in Kyiv.
Over the past 24 hours there have been 544 Russian shelling incidents, seven ground combats and four air attacks near the villages of Klishchiivka and Andriivka in the east of the country.
However, Ilia Yevlash, a spokesperson for Ukraine’s eastern group of forces, told national television: “We continue to repel intense enemy attacks near Klishchiivka and Andriivka.
“The enemy is still storming these positions with the hope of recapturing lost positions, but without success.”
Klishchiivka and Andriivka, near the shattered city of Bakhmut, were taken by Ukraine forces this month as part of a counteroffensive with Kyiv looking to recoup ground in the east.
The news comes as Ukraine reported it shot down 34 kamikaze drones this morning and overnight as Russia launched a major new wave of air strikes from the Black Sea.air force said.