Mykhailo Dianov, the Ukrainian soldier looks very weak in the picture released by the Defense of Ukraine on the social media platform Twitter. The official Twitter page of the Ministry of Defence of Ukraine uploaded both his pictures to display the underlying comparison.
“Ukrainian soldier Mykhailo Dianov is among the fortunate ones: in contrast with some of his fellow POWs, he survived russian captivity. This is how russia “adheres" to the Geneva Conventions. This is how russia continues the shameful legacy of Nazism," tweeted Defense of Ukraine.
Ukraine accused Russia of not adhering to the Geneva Convention established in the aftermath of the Second World War in 1949. It has four treaties and three additional protocols which intend to provide humanitarian treatment to the prisoners of war.
During a war, the First Geneva Convention protects wounded and sick soldiers on land. The second treaty protects wounded, sick and shipwrecked military personnel at sea. Prisoners of war are subject to the third Geneva Convention. The fourth treaty protects civilians, including those in occupied territory.
Former Russian President Dmitry Medvedev reiterated the use of nuclear weapons in the Ukraine war
Former President Dmitry Medvedev, now the deputy chairman of Russia's Security Council, stated that Russia has the right to defend itself with nuclear weapons if pushed beyond its limits and that this is "certainly not a bluff."
He even outlined the scenario of a nuclear strike on Ukraine, claiming that the US-led NATO military alliance would be too afraid of a "nuclear apocalypse" to intervene directly in the conflict.