With Brits risking life and limb to capture the perfect pic, and the majority left feeling underwhelmed with the results, the UK’s biggest photographic retailer Wex Photo Video, took their services to a new level; 2,569ft above sea level in fact. In collaboration with Sony, the UK’s most remote camera store opened for World Photography Day in the picturesque Snowdonia mountains – a top photography destination in the UK.
The pop-up store was located on Moel Hebog where Wex Photo Video provided expert advice alongside a selection of cameras, tripods and lenses. With new research revealing that the more picturesque the location, the greater the pressure Brits feel to take the perfect shot, customers were assisted in capturing the beauty of the Welsh landscape.
The research showed how Brits are willing to undergo pain and hardship for that perfect picture with 41 per cent happy to risk life and limb clambering over safety barriers, a third (34 per cent) prepared to suffer sunburn, and one in five (18 per cent) happy to endure insect bites and stings.
Relationships are also suffering, with over half (51 per cent) admitting to arguing with loved ones when trying to take the perfect photo and 22 per cent agreeing that the stress of getting a good picture means they miss out on time with family and friends.
The photography retailer, who is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, has recorded a 45 per cent sales increase of pre-owned cameras, whilst drone sales have soared by 74 per cent in the past six months. Across the UK, research has shown Brits have spent an average of £560 on equipment in the past year.
With 60 per cent of Brits investing in photography equipment over the past year, and ‘How To’ photography and video searches across the web spiking by 143 per cent in the first half of the year, Brits are more keen than ever to improve their content capture skills.

Paul Wareham, Marketing Director at Wex Photo Video said, “Our research and website data show that Brits want to take better pictures - and are going to extreme lengths to do so. While we can’t help with the sunburn, we can provide quality equipment and expertise to help customers capture the pictures they want.
"With our most remote camera store on Moel Hebog, all customers visiting can make sure their pictures reflect the beauty of this majestic spot.”
For those who didn’t make it to the store but still want to benefit from the expert advice, Wex ambassador, expert travel and wildlife photographer Tom Mason has included his tops tips to help to capture the perfect picture;
Capturing an image from the right height is very important when it comes to taking an impactful picture. No matter what you’re shooting, aim to be on the same level - get down on the ground, climb a ladder and even crawl across the floor if you have to. Keep your subject at eye level.
It’s all about the set up. Ensure you use the landscape you’re capturing to your advantage. Look for leading lines and interesting shapes to help compose your image and draw your attention to the focal point. For example, trees, buildings, or the edge of a mountain can all be used to guide your eye line. The same goes for rounder shapes. You could use the edge of a duck pond to help draw your eye around the picture.

Light can have a huge impact on your picture. It can make it dramatic and moody or feel light and airy. In terms of what light is the best light, it really depends on what you want to achieve - overcast days make for great soft portraits, whereas ‘golden hour’, the last hour before sunset and the first hour after sunrise, is perfect for capturing softly lit, warm shots. Stand with the light source behind the camera to make the most of the beautiful light in front of you.
Another top tip on lighting: often people think flash is only for dark situations, but in most cases, flash works great in bright situations to help fill in harsh shadows. Try it!
Photography is a creative art form - it’s supposed to be fun! Play around with the settings on your camera to change the images you end up with. Try playing around with the ISO - if it’s sunny set it to 200, if it’s cloudy try 400, and dull 1600. If you’re using a phone, you can still play around with the settings. Hold your finger on the image and drag it up or down to change the exposure of your picture – this doesn’t work on all phones.
Finally, don’t be afraid to turn the camera on yourself as there’s no better photo than when people are having fun! When taking the photo, ask yourself what do you want to be the focus of the image, is it you or the background behind you? If you’re capturing a holiday snap with a beautiful beach view, it’s likely to be the background so make sure you don’t block anything important and think of the background when composing the image.