A popular UK holiday destination has been labelled a 'sea of concrete' after it was claimed it contains a number of so-called 'turd towns'.
As part of a running series featuring some of his least favourite spots in the country, well-known Youtuber Turdtowns blasted the Isle of Wight in a new video where he listed the six worst places on the island.
In the clip, which has now been watched by over 176,00 people, he cited a lack of investment and a number of derelict buildings as the main reasons for the unwanted accolades.
Despite there only being nine towns on the island off the south coast of England, a total of five were branded "turdtowns" – as well as the village of Wroxhall.

The outskirts of Ryde were meanwhile described as "shabby" and full of "Grimy terraced houses that line the street... covered in seagull faeces".
Wroxall "sounds like a weeping wart", he claimed, which is an "appropriate way to describe the place" - while he said he "can't imagine any person ever having a reason to visit" Shanklin, where "the high street is one of the blandest places I've ever been".
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The county town of Newport was also judged to be "dreary and expressionless".
Turdtowns did admit however that there was only one town that truly deserved to be awarded the title - the once thriving seaside resort of Sandown.

Despite the local tourist board describing the town as home to the Isle of Wight's "finest and most recognised beaches", what he found instead is some "depressing, bleak and sad" signs of urban decay.
The Youtuber said he had "lost count" of the amount of boarded up and derelict hotels in the area, including one which a local claimed had been open "just the other day".
A visit to the promenade also suggested the town had fallen on hard times, as he found "nothing to do", while a short trip down to the High Street brought him into contact with locals he claims were "unwelcoming" and "spat on the floor" as he walked past.

One commenter underneath the video blamed the "greed" of over-charging ferry companies for a marked decline in Sandown's economy over recent decades, and said: "It never used to be like that; when I was young it was rammed during the summer.
"All the shops would stay open until 9 or 10pm, the guest houses were thriving, and there were far more arcades and way fewer boarded-up buildings."
Another added: "All those towns look the same: just sea of concrete with little life other than cars honking around – certainly not nice places to live or visit."
The Isle of Wight was a highly fashionable tourist destination during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and Queen Victoria regularly stayed at the former royal residence at Osborne House.