Dozens of baffled pilots have reported spotting UFOs flying over the Pacific Ocean over the last two months.
Ex-FBI agent Ben Hansen, and the host of Discovery+ show UFO Witness, says air traffic control recordings have revealed several unexplained mid-air sightings.
In one of them former military pilot Mark Hulsey reported his plane being surrounded by aircraft as he flew off the coast of Los Angeles, says the New York Post.
In a tape recording he asked: “We’ve got a few aircraft to our north here and he’s going around in circles, much higher altitude than us. Any idea what they are?
“They just keep going in circles. I was an F-18 pilot in the Marine Corps, and I’m telling you, I’ve done many intercepts, I’ve never seen anything like this.”

He later called back saying the number had increased to seven flying anywhere from 10,000ft above his small aircraft.
In August Mr Hansen shared footage on Twitter of UFOs surrounding a commercial airliner over the US.
He said: “Thank you to the captain, and all other pilots willing to come forward and share their experiences.”
A pilot replied: “I’m also a Capt for Southwest.
We saw [the] same exact thing on the same flight - 549 Mco to Den on Aug. 30.
“Same area of country and same area of sky. We watched it for about an hour.

“Never seen anything like it in my 30 years of flying.”
Another replied: “One day people are gonna realise this happens far more often than many think.
“Look up to the sky once in a while and you WILL see a UFO eventually.”
This summer a senior US politician claimed a collision between a plane and a UFO was 'only a matter of time'.
US Congressman Tim Burchett spoke out about UFOs and urged people to be wary.
He said although defence chiefs and US space agency NASA have launched probes into potential alien craft, Tim believes not enough is being done and an accident could be imminent, as the Daily Star reports .
He said: "Plenty of military pilots have reported UAP encounters that have no logical explanation.
"Some of them have warned it was only a matter of time before an aircraft got into a mid-air collision with an unexplained object.
Despite these warnings and reports the first standardised reporting structure wasn’t established until 2019.
“Our Government has been surprisingly quiet about the topic for many decades despite the many reports."
Earlier this year the US Congress held its first hearing on UFOs in over a half-century.
One unexplained sighting was a video shot by military aircraft showing a UFO buzzing a US Navy ship off the Californian coast in July 2019.