UFC star Paddy Pimblett submitted ten United States marines in a row during an intensive training drill.
The lightweight prospect has been spending time in America where he has been engaging in media appearances, training and indulging in huge portions of junk food. And despite piling the pounds on during the trip, he has stayed in solid athletic condition and was well able to complete a circuit of drills with the marines before taking on a ten-man field of grappling matches.
Pimblett took to the mat with a series of Marines who pushed for the finish, but managed to make quick work of each of them successively, ultimately racking up a 10-0 tally. He was then gifted a plaque with the slogan "Attitude is everything" and a pin indicating his involvement, and was thanked for coming by to take part in the exercise.
The Liverpool native is known for ballooning in weight between fights and recently tipped the scale at 206.6lb, which would brandish him a UFC heavyweight if done during competition. But he remains in good shape and was able to easily take care of ten well-trained Marines during a YouTube challenge.
"I have the balance of a ballerina but I weigh like a sumo wrestler," he said. "I'm a weirdo, f***ing hell, lads, you've made me do a big crazy circuit and then I've rolled with every one of you, what the f***, boys? I'm meant to be doing a three-mile run today, it's not happening now, lad this has been one of my hardest workouts this week you gang of big b******s."
"I don't know what the f*** made me want to do this," Pimblett joked during a Q&A session with members after the challenge, where he was hardly put in any danger despite taking on ten opponents successively. "This t-shirt is sticking to me, why did I decide to come here? Or did this get pushed on me? I'm fat."

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Asked who his biggest supports were amid his mental health struggles, Pimblett responded: "My friends, my family, my teammates, my fiancee - all the people closest to me. I've said it plenty of times, without them I don't know if I'd still be here now, I've had some dark times myself and I have questioned a lot of things in my own head, whether I'd do this or do that and I wouldn't be here now if it wasn't for those close to me.
"You know that saying 'get it off your chest'? It's real. I was at the end of 2018 and I got in a proper bad place, waking up crying every morning. The missus would get up and go to work and I'd normally just roll over and go asleep, I was rolling over and just crying for like an hour every day, I had to get over that and to get through it I had to speak to people.
"That 'get it off your chest' saying is the most real thing in the world because as soon as I spoke to one of my mates and then I went to speak to someone else, my coach, my missus, the next morning I woke up and I didn't cry. The next morning I felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders."