UFC fighter Bryce Mitchell has expressed his annoyance with commentator Joe Rogan by demanding a debate with the comedian over whether the Earth is flat.
The No.9 featherweight has never lost as a professional fighter, but has spent his fair share of time inside the octagon; winning five of his six UFC fights by decision on his way to his top 10 ranking. And he sarcastically claimed he must have CTE, a brain injury often found after an athlete has passed away, in an angry message to Rogan on Instagram.
Mitchell is known to be something of a conspiracy theorist, and has previously espoused ideas including that the US Federal Reserve is deliberately toying with the value of the dollar and that the government stages mass shootings to advance a gun confiscation agenda. He shared his latest outburst in a message the concerned fans across social media.

"I'm here to call out Joe Rogan for talking c*** about me and c*** about my mama," Mitchell said. "He's been doing it for too long - me and my mama will tell you right now the earth is flat! It ain't moving around at no 600-something miles-per-hour, spinning at no thousand-miles-an-hour and floating through the universe constantly, ok?
"This earth is flat, it's fixed and the stars and stuff rotate around us. The sun rotates around us, and I can prove that, I would love to debate you Joe Rogan because I'm tired of you Joe Rogan making fun of flat earthers! If you're so confident, come on and debate me, buddy. I'm tired of this c*** you're posting."
Mitchell's lengthy rant was cut up and shared to social media, seemingly in response to a screenshot posted by Rogan of an article from the Scientific American headlined "The Universe Is Not Locally Real, and the Physics Nobel Prize Winners Proved It". The October 6 piece was written by Daniel Garisto, and outraged Mitchell, who would go on the claim that gravity itself isn't real.
What do you make of Bryce Mitchell's latest outburst? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
"They're trying to feed you these lies to make you think that science is right," Mitchell continued. "That God didn't create this universe, the big bang did. I used to be an atheist! I used to believe that this universe was created by a big bang - all that c*** from Neil DeGrasse Tyson.
"I'm just sick and tired of hearing your c*** Joe about flat earthers being stupid - gravity ain't real, it's density. This paper, when it drops it's because it's more dense than the world around it, not because of some magical thing called gravity. There is no proof of gravity, brother, there's only proof of density, that's why hot air balloons float, because hot air is less dense.
"I will debate you right to your face, I'm tired of this c*** that you're posting, I'm tired of you making fun of flat earthers because you've got one right here that will bring it right to you. And I know you won't accept this challenge! I actually don't know, but I bet you won't, I'll bet you sissy out! That c*** you're posting is leading people away from the Holy Spirit."