On Wednesday, Miami Dolphins superstar Tyreek Hill met with reporters ahead of his team's Thursday Night Football matchup with the Buffalo Bills. The press conference quickly turned to Hill's detainment at the hands of Miami police outside Hard Rock Stadium on Sunday and the news that followed, including the release of bodycam footage and further details from the police as to why Hill was pulled over in the first place.
Hill took the opportunity to reflect on his behavior in the situation. He said he "could have been better" and rolled down his window when requested by the officer. However, Hill made sure to emphasize that doesn't give the police the right to "beat the dog" out of him.
"My whole life is all about accountability," Hill said. "How can I get better?... Yes, I will say, I could have been better. I could have let down my window in that instance. But the thing about me is I don't want attention. I don't want to be cameras out, phones on me in that moment. But at the end of the day, I'm human. I gotta follow rules. Do what everyone else would do.
"Now, does that give them the right to literally beat the dog out of me? Absolutely not. But at the end of the day I do wish I could go back and do things a bit differently."
One of the officers involved was placed on administrative duties as an internal investigation by the department unfolds. Hill called for his firing later in the press conference.
Hill is set to take the field again on Thursday night.
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This article was originally published on www.si.com as Tyreek Hill Reflects on How He Handled Police Incident.