Almost everybody seemed surprised by Geno Smith’s rise to become one of the NFL’s best quarterbacks last season. Everyone except Smith and his Seahawks teammates, that is. For his part, Smith says he saw his rise coming as the game slowed down for him. Meanwhile, wide receiver Tyler Lockett was also unsurprised that Smith played as well as he did.
It took a while for them to establish a rhythm, but once they did the partnership proved every bit as fruitful as it was between Lockett and Seattle’s former QB1, Russell Wilson. Here’s what Lockett told Henry McKenna at Fox Sports about his chemistry with Geno Smith.
“For me, it was about, ‘Okay, let me build the chemistry with him. Let me figure out how he thinks, how we interact, how he plays the game. And let me see how we can find a middle ground with how we both do it… There’s times where mistakes were made, but we continued to grow through it and we continued to learn from it. And like I said, I mean we develop that type of rapport where I’m excited if he comes back again.”
Lockett is going into his ninth season in the league and shows no signs of slowing down. He has posted at least 950 receiving yards and eight touchdowns each of the last five seasons. He’s still under contract for another three years.