A tragic incident unfolded on New Year's Eve in a Honolulu-area neighborhood, where a fireworks explosion resulted in the loss of two lives and left 20 individuals injured, as confirmed by authorities.
The unfortunate event took place shortly before midnight outside a residence, as reported by the Honolulu Fire Department. The neighborhood is situated in close proximity to Honolulu's international airport, a joint U.S. Air Force and Navy base, and just over 2 miles east of the U.S.S. Arizona Memorial, a site commemorating the sailors who perished in the Pearl Harbor attack that propelled the United States into World War II.
Emergency responders declared two individuals deceased at the scene, while the remaining 20 victims were swiftly transported to hospitals for medical attention, according to Honolulu Emergency Medical Services.
The Honolulu Fire Department has initiated an investigation into the cause of the explosion, although specific details regarding the circumstances leading to the accident are currently unavailable. Notably, there were no reports of a fire at the residence where the incident occurred, and the identities of the victims have not been disclosed at this time.