Two outlaw motorcycle gang members have been charged with drug driving and a number were issued with vehicle defect notices amid the Rebels' national meeting in Canberra this weekend, police say.
But an ACT Policing spokesperson said there were no major incidents as of midday on Sunday.
More than 450 Rebels outlaw motorcycle gang members from around the country converged on a venue in Symonston for their annual gathering, which was monitored by a heavy police presence.
In a statement, an ACT Policing spokesperson said members from all state and territory police jurisdictions, including the ACT, provided "an overt presence in relation to the Rebels outlaw motorcycle gang run in Canberra" from March 22 to 24.

"Two OMCG members were charged with drug driving at a vehicle check point in Symonston on Friday night, while a number of vehicle defect notices were also issued," the spokesperson said.
"No other offences or incidents were identified".