A two-bedroom home near a beach has gone on the market for just £15,000 - costing less than a new car and with a price tag that is significantly cheaper that the national average.
The property, close to Sunderland's city centre and near beaches including Roker, Seaburn and South Shields, features a large master bedroom and a decent-size kitchen.
In the living room, there is a large sofa, two armchairs, a glass table and a wooden fireplace.
There is also an outdoor space with a small fruit tree and space for the new owners or tenants to spend time in the garden.

But despite its low price tag, not all owners will rush to buy the property as pictures show it needs to be thoroughly cleaned and redecorated before anyone can move in.
The furniture in the rooms looks outdated and there is a lot of clutter the new owners will want to get rid of.
Estate agents believe the house could yield around £400 a month in rent - so in just over three years, the owners will be able to get back the money they spent in case they decide to rent the property out.
Last month, another property went on the market for £15,000 but a Scottish home-hunter dubbed it the "worst house in the UK".

Adam Bruce filmed his reaction to the property in a hilarious video where he detailed the many issues within the cut-price property.
The video starts with Adam's head overlaid on a green screen of the Rightmove listing of the property, which is located in Bradford, Yorkshire.
The clip opens with Adam's declaration: "Stop scrolling, stop what you're doing, ladies and gentlemen we have found the worst available house in the UK and it sits in Bradford."
Whilst the Scot is introducing his followers to the property, ominous, suspenseful music can be heard in the background.

He continues: "When I was first sent this property, the first thing my eyes diverted to was the price seen here, £15,000.
"After that, my eyes vicariously directed themselves in this direction here - only to notice a couple of tell-tale signs that this might be a bit of a toil.
"Big giveaway is there being two couches in your garden."
The offending couches can be seen on the external image of the house, and they're in the derelict front garden.
The exterior of the bungalow isn't too inspiring, as it shows a rundown and unmaintained property with green moss covering the walls and stones out front, and the door and window frames appear to be caving in.