Trading and investing platform eToro said on Thursday it has partnered with Elon Musk-led Twitter to let users access real-time prices for cryptocurrencies, stocks and others assets.
The trading data will be available through Twitter's Cashtags feature, which was launched in 2012 and allows users to interact with content around an asset by inserting a dollar sign in front of the ticker, Reuters said.
Twitter users were earlier able to view real-time trading data from markets-charting platform TradingView, but only on some assets such as the S&P 500 index and shares of certain companies such as Tesla.
Now, they can click through to eToro's platform to see information about the asset, with an added option to invest.
Since acquiring Twitter for $44 billion in late October, Musk has brought about a series of changes to the microblogging website, including rolling out a subscription