Twilight actor Kellan Lutz and his wife Brittany Gonzales welcomed a “big boy”, their second child – and “mama and baby are doing well”.
The pair shared an adorable update with their Instagram followers earlier today, announcing the birth of Kasen Lane Lutz.
“Our son is here,” penned Brittany next to a montage of black and white images showing the beautiful baby boy in his parents’ arms.
The Emmett Cullen actor’s son was born on August 10 just before 9am, he weighed 8lbs 11oz and was 21.5” long, according to Brittany.
“We are in love and soaking up all the baby cuddles,” said the doting mum.

“Ashtyn loves her baby brother, Koda is the sweetest, most gentle dog big sis ever, and mama and baby are doing well.”
She joked that their son was already getting big and could one day look as big as his father.
“This big boy eats around the clock and is gearing up to be built like Hercules like his daddy,” she added.
“Thanks for all the love and prayers! We are SO blessed and in love and can’t believe that God has given us another precious gift!”
Kasen’s birth comes after the couple’s extremely complicated gender reveal.

“It’s a.....!!!!! Kellan really had me on a roller coaster with this one,” posted Brittany earlier in February in a post which left fans confused.
The video showed Brittany pulling strings of what appeared to be a pinata, all before a combination of pink and blue confetti fell.
“It’s not twins is it,” Brittany asks in a panic, thinking she was giving birth to two children.
It was in fact part of Kellan’s complex reveal system in which Brittany had to count a number of coins which fell from the pinata.
Normally, which ever colour falls tells the parents which gender they’re having, but in the Lutz’ case it was both colours.
The sweet video shows Brittany scrambling to count and stack the coins in a bid to find out her child’s gender – which ever colour had the most amount of coins was the answer.

She said it was a “group effort” as she counted all the coins – they finally revealed that it was a boy.
Fans were quick to say how confusing the method was.
“I would be so annoyed,” said one follower. “I would have walked away from that assignment,” added another.
Some did like the gender reveal, one said: “I just loved how Kellan put this together, I love the look on your face, congratulations.”
Another said: “What an interesting reveal, congrats – so excited for you both.”