9pm, Sky Atlantic
Postponed from last week, this brooding western is set just after the American civil war in a town called New Babylon. Its founders – the formerly enslaved John Ellis (Nicholas Pinnock) and an orphan called Sarah (Lisa Vicari) – are about to get married when a “stranger” called Django (Matthias Schoenaerts) rocks up looking ready to cause trouble. HR
Kirstie and Phil’s Love It or List It: Brilliant Builds
8pm, Channel 4
Kirstie and Phil reminisce about some of their more outre renovations and projects. This week: Aylesbury couple Sophie and Paul, who were divided over their three-bed home; and Cowbridge’s Amy and Louis, who grappled with the upkeep of their inherited period house. Were Kirstie’s grand plans and Phil’s property prowess enough to quell the squabbling? Ali Catterall
Saving Lives in Leeds
9pm, BBC Two
Jean has an aneurysm that is at risk of bursting. Jamie has waited two years for a double hand transplant after a work accident. Declan is a teenager with cerebral palsy who is in constant pain. Filmed against the longest NHS waiting lists on record, this series follows the patients and doctors at Leeds training hospitals – and everyone’s optimism is beautiful. “I’m always smiling!” says six-year-old Hamza, another boy with cerebral palsy, who needs a hip operation. Hollie Richardson
The Piano
9pm, Channel 4
Claudia Winkleman wheels her piano to Glasgow Central station this week, with Mika and Lang Lang in tow to judge players. Among them: Stanley, 86, is still going strong playing the blues; Dana, 12, needs to beat her stage (or is that platform?) fright; and Sue can’t play without draping a banner soaked in “blood” on the piano. HR
Landscape Artist of the Year Final,
9pm, Sky Arts
“It’s totally discombobulating.” This week’s disquieting two-parter sees finalists Stefano Ronchi, Finn Campbell-Notman and Helen Lloyd-Elliott venture to the picturesque village of Portmeirion, north Wales. Infused with colour, Italianate architecture beckons. Then, drawing inspiration from the Dutch marine painter Willem van de Velde, the winner sets about crafting their £10,000 commission for Royal Museums Greenwich. Danielle De Wolfe
The Billionaires Who Made Our World: Mark Zuckerberg
10pm, Channel 4
The tech bro is under the spotlight this week, specifically the Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who – at just 21 years old and still at university – transformed the way people communicate for ever (for better or for worse). Here, insiders and friends help build a profile of the Meta owner. HR
Film choice

A Fantastic Woman (Sebastián Lelio, 2017), 2.50am, Channel 4
This Oscar-winning drama from Sebastián Lelio explores grief and identity through the experiences of a young trans woman, Marina (a remarkable Daniela Vega), a waitress and nightclub singer in Santiago, Chile. When her older lover, Orlando, dies, she is forced to call on reserves of strength as her sense of self is continually called into question by his hostile, bigoted family, not to mention the police and hospital staff. Nice touches of magical realism pepper the film as Marina struggles to come to terms with her loss. Simon Wardell