Where Have All the Lesbians Gone?
10.30pm, Channel 4
Directed by Brigid McFall, with help from photographer Vic Lentaigne, this collection of intimate and often funny interviews examines what it means to be a lesbian today and questions why so many young women prefer to identify as queer rather than lesbian. Comics Rosie Jones and Jen Brister share their views, along with a range of folks including a great-grandmother, a poet and a dental nurse. Hollie Richardson
Rebuilding Notre Dame: The Next Chapter
8pm, BBC Two
It has been three years since images of a burning Notre Dame saddened the world. Within that time there has been a mammoth mission to rebuild one of the planet’s most famous and historic buildings. Lucy Worsley meets the people putting it back together. HR
Tonight: Homes for Ukraine – Welcome to Britain?
8.30pm, ITV
More than 150,000 people in the UK signed up to house refugees under the Homes for Ukraine scheme, but – as of 7 April – only 1,200 had arrived in the UK with visas. Paul Brand investigates criticism that the government has not helped those fleeing fast enough. HR
Art That Made Us
9pm, BBC Two
“Once you behead the king, everything changes.” The handsomely highbrow series that examines UK history through the prism of culture lands on the Stuart period, a time of political unrest and civil war. That means actor Anton Lesser channelling Satan in Paradise Lost and intriguing cameos from some modern political bogeymen. Graeme Virtue
Julia Bradbury: Breast Cancer and Me
9pm, ITV
“When you announce to the wider world you have cancer, it instantly puts you in a vulnerable position,” says Julia Bradbury as she documents her diagnosis and preparations for her mastectomy. The film’s raw power comes from seeing the usually private and composed presenter face her fears, alone and with her family. Hannah Verdier
Rob & Romesh vs Strongman
9pm, Sky Max

The formulaic but entertaining series which exploits the chemistry (and childish competitiveness) of Romesh Ranganathan and Rob Beckett as they investigate various pursuits returns. Tonight, this pair of mighty physical specimens tackle a strongman contest as they visit Iceland to train with former World’s Strongest Man Magnús Ver Magnússon. Phil Harrison
Film choice

Mr Blandings Builds His Dream House (Henry C Potter, 1948), 9pm, BBC Four
Continuing the channel’s season of RKO pictures, HC Potter’s 1948 comedy gives us Cary Grant in his prime. His trademark impotent indignation is in full force as a New York ad executive, living with his family in a cramped flat, whose new fixer-upper in rural Connecticut turns into a big ol’ money pit. Physical comedy and marital strife (with Myrna Loy’s patient wife) ensue, with Melvyn Douglas getting all the best lines as their wittily exasperated best friend and reluctant lawyer. Simon Wardell