A TV company wants Union flags, Orange Order memorabilia and street bunting taken down over the Twelfth during filming in Co Down, Belfast Live can reveal.
Donaghadee has welcomed back the cast and crew of Hope Street, the TV show that US audiences have been glued to which is set in the fictional village of Port Devine.
However, this year’s filming schedule coincides with the July 12th celebrations and flags fluttering in scenes will create a major problem for programme producers.
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Orange Order Grand Secretary Mervyn Gibson has today called for calm heads and reasonable negotiation over any Orange Order or Union flag discussions.
A show insider said: “The question of the flags has been on the horizon for a while and there’s a lot of anxiety and concern from locals.
“The people of Donaghadee welcomed the film crew last year and very much enjoyed how the town was highlighted in the series. Locals worked as extras and the atmosphere was great.
“But there’s a snag this year because there's an Irish feeling to the series and it's being filmed over the Twelfth so there will be real British flags flying in this fictional Irish town.
"The Twelfth is a special time of year for Donaghadee and great pride is taken over the flags, the bunting and the appearance of the town.
“So the flags will fly, the bunting will flutter and no TV show and no US audience is going to change that.
“The folks at Hope Street say they have no issues with flags apart from the fact that they create date stamps on the episodes which creates a problem for them.
“So there’s a delicate balance here because as we know anyone calling for Union flags to be removed in a town which prides itself on those flags, well that causes a big problem.
“There has been a flurry of activity this week ahead of filming to try to nip the issue in the bud. It’s hard for some of the TV team to fully appreciate the importance of the flags and emblems to the town, but they’re learning fast.
“What is clear is that Donaghadee will be flying flags and Hope Street will have to sort out how to keep them out of shots. Considering the town is basically red, white and blue over the Twelfth, the situation will be one to watch. We can only hope that filming coincides rather than clashes with the Twelfth in Donaghadee.”
Belfast Live understands show producers are now in talks with community teams and Loyal Orange Lodge No 781 over the matter.
A spokesperson for Hope Street, said: “This year more than any other we need the help of the local community as Donaghadee prepares to celebrate July 12th and the Queen’s Jubilee in June.
“The producers would like the people of the town to know why we can’t show any flags in the show. The top reason is simply continuity in scenes.
“We shoot scenes out of sequence and we can’t show flags in one sequence and not the others. It’s also like we’re date-stamping the episodes to June and July only which is something that we need to avoid. We have once again created Port Devine Festival banners which help us create continuity to last year’s series.
“If required for filming, our plan is to remove flags from any streets we may need to with reverence and respect and to return them once the film crew has passed through. We will have advice from the community in this matter.
“We have been in touch with various members of the community associations and they’re working with us during June and July to ensure that all requirements are met for the people of the town and the cast and crew.
“We are delighted to be back in Donaghadee. We are always made to feel so at home here and the people we have encountered have been so kind to our cast and crew.
“And of course we are so thankful that the community has welcomed us back with open arms. It’s like we’ve never been away.”
Last year filming ended just before the start of the Twelfth fortnight so the flag issue was not a problem.
But this year the schedule is different and the flags will be in place. It may also be the case that flags and planters are already in place for the Queen’s Platinum Centenary.”
Mervyn Gibson, the Orange Order’s Grand Secretary said cool heads were required to handle the situation.
He explained: “This is a sensitive issue, a very sensitive issue but it can be sorted, I have no doubt.
“The Orange Order does not tell any lodge or any town when to put their flags up and this year things might be a bit different for areas celebrating Her Majesty’s Platinum Centenary.

“My suggestion is that the filming company and the community work this out together. If it is approached in a respectful manner, if the community who erect the flags are involved, I’m quite sure they’d be happy to remove them temporarily, maybe for an hour or two for a scene to be shot.
“Then they would have to be put back in place. We respect the Union flag and we want it handled with respect and dignity. But we are reasonable people who work well with other reasonable people.
“I would urge the filming company to make contact with the community and discuss the best way forward. If Hope Street bosses were to demand the removal of Union flags, or bunting or Orange Order flags for the whole season, there would no doubt be trouble. It wouldn’t happen. I wouldn’t like to see that happen and there’s no reason for it to happen.
“Towns across Northern Ireland have facilitated this sort of situation before and everything has worked out fine. It can be done again as long as the requests are reasonable and the flags are put back in a timely manner, respectfully and the right way up.”
The Cast of Hope Street have already returned to Donaghadee to film the second series of serial police drama Hope Street, and they are promising gripping storylines, intriguing characters and stunning settings.
Ciaran McMenamin who plays Inspector Finn O’Hare, returns to film the exciting series with Brid Brennan as Concepta O’Hare, Des McAleer as Barry Pettigrew, Kerri Quinn playing Marlene Pettigrew.
Niall Wright returns as Callum McCarthy with Aaron McCusker as Clint Dunwoody, Niamh McGrady as Nicole Devine, Rachel Tucker as Siobhan O’Hare, Louis McCartney and Ellie Lavery and as Shay and Niamh O’Hare.

Ciaran McMenamin who plays Inspector Finn O’Hare says: “I’m over the moon to be on the Hope Street beat again. It was touch and go for Finn at the end of last season, but I’m glad to say he’ll be back where he belongs with Marlene and Callum, dealing with the unique challenges thrown at them by all your old favourites, along with a motley crew of wonderful new characters.
"I couldn’t be happier to be back home in Northern Ireland for the shoot this summer. The new scripts are brilliant, and sure, where would you rather be?”
Series one and two of Hope Street were commissioned as part of the partnership between the BBC and Northern Ireland Screen and is a co-commission between BBC Daytime, BBC Northern Ireland and BritBox International.
The show is expected to return to BBC Daytime and BBC One Northern Ireland later in the year.
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