TUESDAY May 31 marks the last day people across Scotland can complete the census.
The National Records of Scotland (NRS) plan to close down their public awareness campaign about census collection on Tuesday.
Small numbers of returns delayed for legitimate reasons will still be counted so long as they are returned in the days immediately after May 31.
Chief executive of NRS Paul Lowe said: “It was great last week to cross the 85% response rate nationally – a major milestone in the census – and to see 25 local authorities exceeding their local target of 85%.
“I want to say a huge thank you to each and every household across the country who has done their bit.
“My message to those who have yet to complete is don’t miss out. Don’t regret not taking part.”
From Wednesday, the NRS will move into the next phases of the census which is known as the census coverage survey.
This supports the census and ensures that a comprehensive and accurate picture of the response rates across the country has been recorded.
Lowe added: “Big decisions about our local communities and our nation as a whole are based on census data.
“Everyone’s circumstances need to be captured to ensure the best decisions are taken, so please complete now.”
The census can still be filled in online or on paper whilst forms can still be ordered on the website or by calling 0800 030 8308 and will still be accepted after tomorrow.