Welcome to the Daily Record's Tuesday briefing.
The top stories you need to know today include Nicola Sturgeon's update about working from home, a growing DWP petition, as well as the Scots motorist fined for parking in a spot he's used for more than 20 years.
Here are the latest headlines from Scotland and beyond today.
Nicola Sturgeon relaxes working from home rules after progress in Omicron fight

Guidance on working from home will be relaxed within days after Scotland continued to make progress in the battle against Omicron.
Nicola Sturgeon said employers will be asked to consider “hybrid” working for staff - a combination of being at home and in the office.
This is different from the current guidance which backs home working when it is practical.
Petition calls for DWP to end PIP and ESA award reviews for people living with long-term illness

A petition calling for the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) to end benefit award reviews for Personal Independence Payment (PIP) and Employment Support Allowance (ESA) claimants with long-term illnesses has reached nearly 30,000 signatures.
Posted on the official Petitions Parliament website by John H Paternoster, the ‘End reviews of PIP and ESA awards for people with lifelong illnesses’, is set to close on Friday, January 28 - some 70,000 signatures short of the 100,000 needed which would see the topic considered for debate in Parliament.
Fine for Dumfries and Galloway motorist for parking in spot he's used for more than 20 years

A driver has been slapped with a parking ticket by police despite his car being left every night in the “exact same spot for 22 years”.
Mark Shrimpton received the penalty charge notice while parked outside his home near Mouswald.
He left his home around 7am to walk his dog but when he returned an hour later, the ticket was on his windscreen.
Mr Shrimpton, 62, is now disputing the fine and insists he’d rather have his day in court than cough up.
Princess Eugenie 'complained during her wedding to husband Jack Brooksbank'

Prince Andrew's daughter Princess Eugenie is said to have complained during her wedding to her new husband, according to lipreaders.
Eugenie declared she was getting married to Jack Brooksbank four years ago this weeks parking some to look back through old footage.
Now a lip reader has shown that Eugenie ended up having to prompt her new groom during the ceremony as she complained to him on the day.