Squats: yay or nay? I'm usually firmly on Team Squat, but I must confess that my knees are not what they used to be, so I like to give them a break now and again with workouts that skip that movement. And I should be so lucky, as I found a 10-minute, low-impact, lower-body workout that looks just what the doctor ordered (not an actual doctor, of course).
Don't let the word 'booty' put you off; that's just another way of saying your glutes will have to work extra hard. And let me tell you, my glutes were, in fact, activated by the end of the session without my knees crying in pain, which is precisely what I wanted from today's leg workout.
As well as making your bottom firmer, research indicates that lower body strength training significantly contributes to longevity and overall health. Engaging in muscle-strengthening activities, including those targeting the lower body, is associated with a reduced risk of all-cause mortality and the prevention of chronic diseases.
What are you waiting for? Get your exercise mat ready, and let's do this! This is a no-repeat circuit where you'll perform each exercise for only 30 seconds, followed by a 10-second rest. It'll be over before you know it, and your legs will love you for it. The exercises included are as follows:
- Prone leg raise (R)
- Prone donkey kick (R)
- Prone leg raise (L)
- Prone donkey kick (L)
- Prone frog lift
- Donkey kick (R)
- Dog-bird pulses (R)
- Donkey kick (L)
- Dog-bird pulses (L)
- Modified side plank hip lift (R)
- Kneeling side leg lift (R)
- Kneeling side crunch (R)
- Modified side plank hip lift (L)
- Kneeling side leg lift (L)
- Kneeling side crunch (L)
- Kneeling squat
Want to try an even speedier session? Check out this five-move bodyweight workout that is over and one with in just six minutes. If you happen to have a couple of dumbbells at home, I'd recommend this two-dumbbells, four-move leg workout – it's not easy, but it'll help you grow strong legs. This 3-move, 20-minute dumbbell leg workout is a variation on the theme.