We might have (finally) reached the end of January, but I for one am still in organization mode. The new year always reignites a hunger for order, and I'm pleased to say it hasn't worn off (yet). I always have my ear to the ground for new decluttering methods making noise in the industry, and recently the '27 Fling Boogie' has come to my attention, and let me tell you, it's more than just a silly name.
I've written about many methods to help you start decluttering with strange names, from the move-out method to the snowball technique, but none quite as weird as this. The organization principle comes from the organizing blogger who goes by the pseudonym Fly Lady, and it's caused quite a stir among professionals. Here we give you all the information you need to try it for yourself.
What is Fly Lady's decluttering technique?

'The Fly Lady trick is a method designed by Marla Cilley, to help people declutter,' says professional organizer Alexa Hellerman. 'The Fly Lady's system breaks down tasks into small and manageable steps, Alexa explains. This decluttering technique is not one specific task, but rather a system that makes organizing more effective and efficient.
The approach includes various routines and strategies, and one popular decluttering tip is the 27 Fling Boogie, with one of the main principles focusing on timing. 'The trick is to set a timer to 15 minutes and choose one of five main zones in the home to declutter each week for only that amount of time,' says Kim Corey from Finely Sorted Virtual Organizing. 'It works because the timer helps to stay focused under its pressure. Also, the end is easily in sight so it's not overwhelming causing the breakdown of the process.'
How do you apply the '27 Fling Boogie' technique?
Some decluttering techniques are overly complicated and time-consuming, which can make the task feel even more overwhelming, but this technique takes everything back to basics and won't allow you to spend hours on end organizing. It's a great decluttering project to do in 30 minutes or less.
'The idea behind the 27 Fling Boogie is to encourage people to declutter in short bursts,' says Alexa. 'The number 27 is somewhat arbitrary, the focus is on the act of quickly identifying items to remove from your space.'
Alexa goes on to explain the steps to the Fly Lady's decluttering technique that make it so effective. 'First, set a timer for 15 minutes,' she says. 'Next, grab a trash bag and then quickly go through your living space and find 27 items that you can throw away or donate. Once the timer goes off, stop and take the bag out of your home immediately.'
Is it useful?

'In my experience, I can attest to the effectiveness of this method,' says Hashi Mohamed, President of Ivy Cleans, a premier cleaning and lifestyle solutions company. 'It works and is a practical way to maintain a clutter-free environment.'
Of course, not every decluttering method will work for every person or every space. This technique might be ideal for homes that require a mild declutter but for a space overwhelmed with clutter, it might not be enough. Something like the move-out method might be more appropriate in that scenario.
'I recommend using the FlyLady decluttering trick by identifying areas in your home that need decluttering, setting aside 15 minutes daily or as needed, and consistently working on those areas,' says Hashi. 'Whether tackling a cluttered closet, a messy kitchen drawer, or a disorganized desk, this method helps you make steady progress without feeling overwhelmed, ultimately leading to a cleaner and more organized living space.'
If you're looking to try a new technique or just need some motivation to start decluttering, try this simple method to kickstart your new organized lifestyle.