There’s no shortage of core workouts but an often neglected and important area of the core to strengthen is the side abs. The internal and external obliques, to give them their proper title, can be found along the sides of your abdomen.
They support the lower back and play an essential role in your posture. As an important part of your mid-body core muscles, they help the body move from side to side, bend and twist, as well as aiding breathing.
Certified trainer Fiona Judd, who runs the FitFionaJ app, has designed this side-abs workout to target your internal and external obliques.
How to do the side abs workout
Judd demonstrates three side abs exercises, along with beginner and intermediate-friendly variations. She doesn’t mention repetitions but ideally, start with eight to 10 until you find the exercise too easy then work up to 10-12. I’d start with two to three sets.
Why you can't spot target weight loss
While Judd says many people turn to these exercises to reduce waist size, she explains that you can’t spot-reduce body fat, meaning arm exercises don't just reduce body fat around your arms, or leg exercises won't just reduce body fat in your legs.
Fat loss happens globally and is best achieved through consistent exercise that includes strength training, and a healthy diet that allows for a small but sustainable calorie deficit. That means fueling muscle growth with lots of protein, fiber and water and eating nutrient-dense foods such as vegetables, beans, pulses and fruit.