What a brilliant idea by the government – asking supermarkets to implement a voluntary price cap on basic food items (Report, 28 May). When this is successful, perhaps it could extend it, such as asking criminals to voluntarily turn themselves in, thus saving the police a lot of time and expense.
Phil Rhoden
Kidderminster, Worcestershire
• Re unusual taste combinations (Letters, 28 May), on a holiday in Normandy a few years ago, a restaurant was offering sardine crumble – exactly the same crumble you’d put on apples, including sugar. To my surprise, I really enjoyed it.
Barbara Thompson
• Following an unfortunate incident with my then eight-year-old granddaughter, I recommend never putting Marmite on ice-cream and pretending it is chocolate sauce. She is now 23 and has just about forgiven me.
Chris Mortimer
Hove, East Sussex
• The letter on Girlguiding (28 May) filled me with regret. When I was seven, my friend and I were expelled from the Brownies as we had forged Brown Owl’s signature to earn a badge. I therefore never made it to the Guides and have been unprepared ever since.
Mary Smith
Maidstone, Kent
• The only thing that I am more sick of hearing than “I am focused on delivering for the British people” (Letters, 29 May) is a BBC Today programme interviewer asking: “Give us a sense of how you are focused on delivering for the British people.”
John Longuet-Higgins
Hartpury, Gloucestershire
• Have an opinion on anything you’ve read in the Guardian today? Please email us your letter and it will be considered for publication in our letters section.