Some of the truckers driving around suburban Washington, D.C, have developed a cough while protesting coronavirus safety measures.
Participants in the so-called "People's Convoy" have come down with symptoms resembling COVID-19 while taking part in a demonstration that started out as a protest against public health mandates aimed at preventing the spread of the coronavirus, reported The Daily Beast's Zachary Petrizzo.
"Today out in Hagerstown, more and more truckers with The People's Convoy have complained about becoming sick with a bad cough," tweeted Petrizzo, who has been covering the protest. "One streamer, 'OTR Survival,' ended up going to an urgent care, and described the illness as getting 'hit by a bus.'"
While it's not clear what illness the truckers actually do have, a cough is often a telltale symptom of COVID-19, and many sufferers also complain about feeling as if they have been hit by a bus, truck or some other large vehicle.
Today out in Hagerstown, more and more truckers with The People's Convoy have complained about becoming sick with a bad cough. One streamer, “OTR Survival,” ended up going to an urgent care, and described the illness as getting “hit by a bus.”
— Zachary Petrizzo (@ZTPetrizzo) March 22, 2022