A mum has launched a plea to an Ayrshire school after bullies ‘kicked the happiness out of her daughter’.
The mum who does not wish to be named has begged senior staff at Marr College to put an end to her daughter’s misery.
The heartbroken parent has told how a vicious attack in August has turned her daughter’s school days upside down after a gang of girls left her battered and bruised as she tried to escape home.
The parent claims that top teachers at the Troon school failed to take action to stop the attack on her daughter, after she pre-warned them it was going to happen.
The school’s campus cop became involved and charged three girls following the disturbance.

But the parent has pleaded with the school to do more, with her daughter’s life turned upside down since the horror incident.
The parent who wished to remain anonymous, told Ayrshire Live: “My daughter used to be full of joy, she was a happy go-lucky girl but that has all changed this year.
“She told me that the bullies ‘have kicked all the happiness out of her’.
“It is absolutely heartbreaking to see her like this.
“She has PTSD now, she struggles with certain classes. She can’t go to her design and technical study class because of loud noises.
“She’s had to change all her classes but the girls who have been bullying her have remained in the same ones. It doesn’t seem fair that her whole routine has had to change just because of them. She won’t even go out at lunch now.”

Since the attack in August the parent has claimed that her daughter has endured two more incidents where bullies have ganged up on her in the toilet and thrown objects including tampons at her.
The parent claims that the school has tried to use mediation tactics and have never taken the bullying seriously.
She added: “Anytime I have phoned the school I have been told things like ‘well there are two sides to every story’, they have tried to get my daughter and the bullies to just sit down and talk to each other, but it never works.

“They never took any action on the day that I called. They failed to notify the campus officer. We ended up just telling my daughter to come home, but on her way home they got her in the playing fields.
“She was left really badly shaken up by it. She was thrown to the ground and kicked, we had to take her to the doctors who had her checked for concussion.
“It is just shocking to think about the kind of violence that is allowed in the school.
“The whole thing was filmed and it was circulating around the other pupils. Thankfully the campus officer got a hold of it.”

The parent has also been left fuming after office staff issued letters to flag poor attendance and lateness from her daughter.
The mum added: “I understand that is protocol but it was a bit of a kick in the teeth to get a letter sent through that said that. The whole reason my daughter is late is that she avoids registration.
“She is constantly looking over her shoulder. She is really intimidated by them.
“The school needs to do more to help her and put an end to the bullying.
“There is a definite lack of consequences from the school's point of view.”
A South Ayrshire Council spokesperson said: "We are aware of an incident that took place early in the session that resulted in police charges and continue to provide support to the young person and their family."
A spokesperson for Police Scotland added: “We were made aware of a disturbance at a school in Troon on Monday, August 29, 2022.
“Three girls – all under the age of 16 – were charged in connection with the incident and a report sent to the youth justice authorities.”
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