The Elder Scrolls Online finished 2018 with four events that gave players the opportunity to acquire a new mount called a Nascent Indrik. “Nascent” being the key word. The new mount is a somewhat bland version of the gorgeous indriks that roam the Isle of Somerset. However, ESO let it be known that in 2019 you would be able to evolve your Nascent mount into something more colorful. Well, 2019 is here and the evolution process has been revealed. It’s a doozy.
Players who already have a Nascent Indrik know the drill: Participate in events to gather 10 tickets, turn the tickets in for tokens, turn four tokens in for a new mount. The tokens were called feathers in last year’s events; this time they’re called berries. That’s the only difference in the basic process between the two.
The differences come with ESO’s plans for the new mounts. Getting a new Indrik mount isn’t a one-time activity, it’s a new game system. ESO plans on running four events every quarter throughout 2019 with a different version of the Indrik mount available each quarter.
The four events for Q1 (January through March) are
- Midyear Mayhem
- Morrowind Celebration
- Thieves Guild & Dark Brotherhood Celebration
- Jester’s Festival

The Midyear Mayhem begins this month on an unspecified date. The four Q1 berries can be turned in for a Dawnwood Indrik like the one shown at the top of the article. As was the case last year, each berry costs 10 tickets. Unlike last year, tickets will be available for purchase in the Crown Store near the end of Q1.
The Indrik vendor will return to her booth outside Daggerfall, Davon’s Watch and Vulkhel Guard during each event. She’ll stock the feathers needed to buy the Nascent Indrik in addition to the berries used to evolve the Nascent into something new. This gives players who didn’t pick up a Nascent Indrik last year the opportunity to get one now. It also means players will be able to collect each quarter’s version of the mount if they grind out the 40 tickets needed to buy a new Nascent to evolve.
The berries from the events that take place during a quarter will only be available from the vendor during that quarter. Berries from the quarter’s early events will still be available during the later events, but once the quarter is over, all the quarter’s berries are gone forever. If you want to gather the berries for the Dawnwood Indrik, you have to gather them during Q1′s four events.

Whether you’re interested in the indrik mounts or not, the 16 events planned for 2019 will give players lots of things to do in Tamriel this year. If nothing else, the experience boosts that often come with limited events are a great opportunity to level new characters. If you are interested in the mounts, getting one of each means gathering 320 tickets, 40 for each Nascent Indrik and an additional 40 for the evolved version.
In his end-of-year letter to the community, ESO‘s Creative Director Rich Lambert, wrote
2019 is almost upon us, and it’s going to be a huge year for The Elder Scrolls Online. I can’t say too much just yet, and it is incredibly difficult to have to hold back details, but ESO will be 5 years old next year – a huge milestone for us and the community! As such, next year’s story and adventure will be something truly special for all Elder Scrolls Online players. We are so excited to be able to share it with you soon, and we can’t wait to see how you all put all the pieces together starting early next year.
Three days into the new year and ESO is already starting to fulfill Lambert’s promise. And we still don’t know what the quarterly story and dungeon releases have in store. Mount up, it looks like it’s going to be a wild ride.
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