Dementia rates among Torres Strait Islander people are much higher than among mainland Australians, but researchers are trialling a new program in the hopes of reducing the prevalence of the condition.
About 45 per cent of dementia cases among First Nations people are potentially preventable or modifiable, geriatrician and lead of the Healthy Ageing Research Team at James Cook University, Professor Eddy Strivens said.
His team's previous research on the prevalence of dementia in the Torres Strait found rates were three to four times higher than non-Indigenous or mainland Australians.

"About 14 per cent of the over 45 population at the time had dementia, and around a fifth had mild cognitive impairment, which is where your memory is worse than what you'd expect from ageing alone but not yet bad enough to impact on every day life or be dementia," Prof Strivens told AAP.
Prof Strivens said risk factors to developing dementia include physical inactivity, hearing loss, obesity, hypertension, mood disorders and diabetes.
Dr Rhiann Sue See, a First Nations geriatrician, and member of the Healthy Ageing Research Team, will be completing her PhD on this research.
Dr Sue See said many of the risk factors can be addressed through lifestyle changes and education.

"Any intervention that can potentially delay or reduce the onset of dementia has significant health, social and financial benefits for individuals, communities and health services," she said.
The Healthy Ageing Research Team will design programs incorporating cognitive training, healthy diet, regular physical exercise, and maintaining good health, alongside the community.
The project has received a $950,000 grant from the Australian Government's Medical Research Future Fund.
With high rates of mild cognitive impairment identified in other First Nations communities in Australia, Dr Sue See said the model has the potential to be implemented around the country.
"As locally-led solutions are seen by the community as a priority, this co-designed and co-produced model will incorporate First Nations concepts of health and wellbeing," said Dr Sue See.
The pilot program will run until mid-2026.