You've got the bus shelter coffee cup and stubby holder and book - but do you have the bus shelter egg cup?
Sorry. Bus shelter Egg Stop.
Trevor Dickinson has come up with a perfectly formed egg cup/stop to add to his range of bus shelter Canberra-nalia.
And the egg cup/stop actually has the right proportions of Canberra's famous bus shelters, not elongated like the cup or stubby holder.
"This is the actual shape of a bus shelter," Dickinson said.
Dickinson is selling his products at the only market he attends in Canberra - the once-a-year Undercurrent Design Market at the National Portrait Gallery this weekend.
The markets are open in the light and airy building from 5pm to 8pm on Friday and 10am to 5pm on Saturday and Sunday.

Organiser Richard Baz, who owns the gift shop at the Portrait Gallery, said 60 local and interstate makers were part of the 2023 market.
"We always try to time it three or four weeks out from Christmas to support makers," he said.
"It's the 14th year we've done it, but we've done 12 markets because of COVID.
"It started really small and it's boomed."
Mr Baz said he received about 200 applications each year for the limited spots at the market.
"We just try to find the best," he said.
Fashion label High Tea with Mrs Woo from Newcastle and Melbourne jewellery line In Sync Design are among those at this weekend's market.
"We've got people from all around and they're quite unique in what they do, so we try to celebrate that," Mr Baz said.
They are the only markets Newcastle-based Trevor Dickinson does anywhere.
Among the items he has for sale are a new Canberra memory game and his 2024 Canberra calendar, this year featuring landmarks and icons such as the Nishi building, The Canberra Times Fountain, the Shine Dome ....and an abandoned scooter.

The bus shelter egg cups have been added to the range after the bus shelter coffee cups were first launched eight years.
"And they've just sold constantly," he said.
"They've been really popular."
(One even had a cameo in the ABC-TV series Rake.)