In a recent video shared by the NFL on Instagram, a surprising revelation about the correct pronunciation of Travis Kelce's last name left fans and even his own teammates astounded. Kansas City Chiefs defensive tackle Chris Jones was seen discussing the matter on the sidelines, highlighting the discrepancy between the commonly used pronunciation 'Kel-see' and the actual pronunciation 'Kels.'
The video sparked a discussion among fans in the comments section, with some suggesting that Travis' brother, Jason Kelce of the Philadelphia Eagles, should have the final say in the matter. Others even humorously proposed taking singer Taylor Swift's opinion into account, referring to her new album titled 'Taylor's Version.'
Interestingly, this debate isn't new to the Kelce family. In a past episode of their podcast, 'New Heights,' Jason and Travis discussed the various pronunciations of their surname with their father, Ed Kelce. Jason asked his dad whether they should go by 'Kels' or 'Kels-ee,' to which Ed responded, 'Do whatever you want. I did.' Travis, on the other hand, mentioned on a different podcast, 'Bussin' with the Boys,' that his real name is 'Kels,' but he's fine with either pronunciation.
Travis' clarification on the matter received a lot of attention on social media, leading to reactions from his teammates, including Chris Jones. Jones posted an apology on X (formerly Twitter), admitting that he had been saying Travis' last name wrong all along. However, Travis reassured him, saying that he doesn't mind and that he responds to both pronunciations.
This revelation about the correct pronunciation of Travis Kelce's last name has sparked a lighthearted discussion among fans and players alike. While the debate continues, it's clear that Travis himself is flexible with both pronunciations. And in the end, as long as he continues to dominate on the football field, his last name pronunciation will be a small matter in comparison to his impressive skills as a tight end for the Kansas City Chiefs.