A transgender man has revealed how he told his partner he was trans - just months after they got engaged.
Now the happy couple has finally walked down the aisle after husband River-Jay Waterson, 29, had his 42GG breasts removed.
River-Jay, 29, of Newcastle. proposed to his girlfriend, Kelly Waterson, 37, on April Fool's Day 2016.
But the couple were forced to put the wedding on hold as River didn't want to tie the knot while living as a woman in a lesbian relationship.
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Now they have finally walked down the aisle after Kelly helped raise the cash for the breast removal surgery through a series of online challenges.
After three months of fundraising - including River shaving off hair and eyebrows as well as downing raw eggs on camera - the couple had raised over 2k for the procedure.
In June 2021, River finally had the procedure in Wroclaw, Poland, after forking out £2,820.
Then he was finally able to marry the 'love of his life' Kelly in an intimate family ceremony near their home on 11th December 2021.
River is now desperately trying to secure a gender dysphoria diagnosis from the NHS - so he can carry on transitioning - as, without it, he is unable to get bottom surgery even if he goes private.

River - who is stepdad to two Kelly's two daughters from a previous relationship - who is currently Kelly's carer, from Gateshead, Newcastle, said: ''It's been a hell of a journey already
''We did some mad dares to raise the cash we needed, Kelly has been such an amazing support ever since I told her I wanted to transition.
"We met as women and were in a lesbian relationship, but she's been nothing but supportive of my transition.
"She insists she loves me for me - regardless of gender. We were in lockdown so it was all online but we had amazing support.
''I couldn't believe some of the dares Kelly did to help me raise the cash.
''She knows how important this transition is for me and my mental health.
''The top surgery especially was a real game changer - it wasn't like I had small breasts it was easy to disguise, they were really big.
''Getting married as a man felt totally right.
''I've got a long way to go though as there are other surgeries I need, it's not easy.''
Kelly said: ''I would've done anything to make sure River became free from the chest he had.
''I ate eggs raw and oxo cubes on top of critters, it was gross but his happiness is my happiness.
''We're actual soul mates and have an incredible connection, regardless of his gender.
''I patiently waited to get married because I knew how uncomfortable it would be for him without the first surgery and the hormones.
''Finally we are Mr and Mrs and that’s all I ever dreamed of!''

Kelly, who is currently not working due to ill health, and River met online in April 2015 and 'hit it off' right away.
After just a year of dating they were engaged but River - then Jodie - wasn't ready to plan a wedding whilst still living as a woman.
''I was hiding from myself, I was scared I'd be judged,'' she admitted.
''I'd always known I was different, I loved fixing cars, football and hated girly clothes. 'I didn't know any other trans people or have any role models.
''It wasn't until I joined TikTok during the first lockdown that I saw other transgender people speaking out and it gave me so much confidence for the first time.
''I came out to Kelly and she accepted me immediately. It was like I'd finally found a purpose for myself.
''Luckily my family were really supportive too, I just wish I'd done it sooner."
Desperate to start transitioning, River was shocked to discover how long the NHS waiting list was for gender referral.
Instead of waiting around he took matters into his own hands and began fundraising for top surgery.
He said: ''I just didn't want to wait, I felt like such a weight had been lifted I didn't want to go back to being miserable.
''Living as a woman had made me really depressed for years, some days I couldn't get out of bed.
''I had to do something if the NHS couldn't help as I couldn't spend two years on a waiting list.
''Although this situation isn't ideal I do gets up every morning with a spring in my step.
''It's way better than the mess I was in beforehand."
Kelly and River began their online food challenges in May 2020 on TikTok live - they took dares from strangers who then donated to their fundraising.
After raising over £1k, Kelly's dad, Ken Loyd, 70, matched their efforts and coupled with their savings, River was finally able to book his surgery.
He travelled to Poland in June 2021 for a five-hour surgery which cost £2,820.
Along with flights and hotels, the trip cost the couple nearly £4k overall.
On his return to the UK, River and Kelly were finally able to start planning their dream wedding.
They finally tied the knot at Gateshead Registry office surrounded by friends and family before going onto a reception at Zarabanda bar, in Jesmond, Newcastle.
River is now hoping to get the rest of the surgery he needs to complete his transition privately as the NHS waiting list could be up to a 10 year wait.
''There's a place in Belgium where I can have it, but it costs about £7k so I need to find the money somehow," River said.
''I won't be happy until I've had it all done and I can live fully as a man. I'm ready to start my life again.''
Follow River's fundraising journey here.