New transgender policy announced by Cycling Time Trials today will preclude trans riders from riding in the female category. Instead, in a move that follows British Cycling's recent policy announcement, they will ride in a new 'open' category alongside non-binary people and male riders.
"Following extensive internal work and insight from other sports governing bodies, CTT has made this decision as it is certain that transgender women can retain the physical advantages gained by a male when going through male puberty, and this does not support a level and fair playing field for competition," CTT said in a statement.
It also insisted: "The team emphasise that all transgender persons and non-binary persons are very welcome to continue taking part in competitive time trialling."
When British Cycling announced a similar policy last month, it was praised and criticised in fairly equal measure, as either a victory for fair sport or a setback for transgender rights. High-profile trans rider Emily Bridges slammed the move as "a violent act".
Under its old rules, the CTT allowed male-to-female trans riders over 16 to compete in the female category subject to testosterone levels, while under-16s were considered on a case-by-case basis.
But the new policy is unambiguous: riders must have been female-assigned at birth to be able to compete in the female category. Additionally, "they must also not have undergone any part of male puberty," and "their testosterone serum must be below 2.5nmol/L if tested".
In addition, the CTT will set up a new Gender Tribunal, which it says will "decide gender eligibility issues and provide sensitive guidance to those affected by this policy."
CTT chair Andrea Parish said: “Here at CTT, we are committed to the promotion of inclusivity and a fair competition in sport. This decision underpins these such values and shows our collective support for women's sport.”
While the new policy comes into play immediately, the 'open' category will continue to show as 'male' on CTT entry and results systems, pending software changes at the end of the season. The 'open' category will display from next season. Popular time trialling data platform Spindata is set to follow suit, Cycling Weekly understands.