TRAINS are beginning to return to normal after earlier commuter chaos.
Hunter Line trains are running again, though some are travelling to a changed timetable and some will be replaced by buses.
Please allow extra travel time in both directions due to an issue with a freight train at Waratah earlier," a NSW TrainLink North spokesperson said.
Trains are running as normal between Newcastle Interchange and Thornton, and are starting and ending at the interchange.
TRAINS are not running between Newcastle Interchange and Broadmeadow due to an "issue" with a freight train.
Trains between the interchange and Thornton have also been stopped.
NSW TrainLink North confirmed passengers on the Central Coast, Newcastle and Hunter lines were being held up on Tuesday afternoon as peak hour approached.
"We are arranging replacement buses however there's no [estimated time] for when they'll be available," a spokesperson said.

The trains are not able to run between Newcastle Interchange and Broadmeadow due to an issue with a freight train at Waratah.
Some trains will still be able to start or end in Broadmeadow, the spokesperson said.
The same freight train issue at Waratah means trains are not running between Newcastle Interchange and Thornton.
Trains continue to run between Thornton and Maitland.
"Delay travel if possible, or consider using alternative transport," the spokesperson said.
Visit nswtrainlink.info for updates.