Gaming is all about immersion—the best ones make you feel like you really are slaying countless vampire spawns or diving into dungeons. But in reality, it'd be hard to do those things without some serious sweat equity. You can level up your fitness with a new workout program—one that's built for real people to make real progress. You'll literally feel the XP starting to build up.
Heading into this new year, we're giving you a jumpstart on your winter fitness goals with a series called Train Like You Game. We're setting you up with articles detailing workout plans inspired by two video game genres: turn-based RPGs and today's example, the action-adventure workout. Created by personal trainer Tyler Buckingham and utilizing equipment you can find at your local Anytime Fitness, this series is geared toward giving you the XP boost you need to get started. The open world is your oyster. Time to level up.
The Warm-up:
2 Sets
- Squats x 10
- Push-ups x 6
- Reverse Lunges x 5 per leg
- Lateral Shoulder Raises x 10
Rest 30 seconds
The Train Like You Game Action-Adventure Workout
This will be a circuit workout, meaning we'll be doing all of the exercises one after the other for a series of rounds. Depending on your level of experience, you can begin at Starter (5-6 rounds), Experienced (7-8 rounds), or Hard Mode (9-10 rounds). You'll rest for 1:30 to 2:00 minutes between rounds. Let's get started.
Bear Crawls x 30 Seconds

Stay low for stealth sections with 30 seconds of bear crawls. As Buckingham says, "Bear crawls are a brutal exercise that completely hits every part of your body. It improves your coordination, core stability, and mental toughness. Bear crawls are only for the brave!"
Bicep Curls to Upright Rows to Toe Touches 3 x 3

You'll be doing three reps of each exercise, three times. "This tri-set will challenge your arms and back in the best of ways," Buckingham told us. "It promotes growth in your forearms, shoulders, and biceps, while also challenging your mobility throughout your spine, promoting strength and adaptability—something every adventurer needs to have at their disposal."
Squat Thrusters x 30 Seconds

This move will prepare you to blitz your opponent and send them flying with your tree-trunk legs. "Squat thrusters force production throughout the whole body. Your arm and core strength will be vital here as you pull the weights off the ground and use your legs to drive them up overhead."
Walking Lunges with Plate Twist x 30 Seconds

Whether you're brandishing a backpack packed with your bodyweight's worth of gear or blocking incoming sword swings with a shield, this will prep you to swing the kind of weight you need to push your way through the horde. "Your coordination, arm, and single-leg strength will be challenged greatly on this. Only the strong will survive," says Buckingham. Seems like a warning…
Superhero Squats x 15 Seconds per Leg

If you want to look like a superhero, you've got to move like a superhero. Testing your grip, core and single-leg strength, the Superhero Squat will get you loaded to spring forward and into action. This exercise might be Buckingham's favorite. "It's the bread and butter of every adventurer's toolkit and a great way to ensure victory against any and all opponents! Keep your balance (and wits) about you as you press through the floor and you'll find yourself lifting more weight than you thought possible."
After all that, you've earned a break. Give yourself a 1:30 to 2-minute rest, then start it all over. Not sure what these exercises look like? Tyler has you covered with a work-through video below.
When you're done, you can cool down with a nice and easy walk, stretch, or mobility flow. Have questions or still wondering if this is right for you? Go check out your local Anytime Fitness. Whether you're an action hero or just a regular gamer trying to get in better shape, the best time to level up your fitness is anytime.