THE Rail, Tram and Bus Union says the Qube company has "locked out" a section of its workforce from midnight on Wednesday.
The move impacts 180 train drivers on Qube's services in Newcastle, Sydney. Wollongong, Bathurst, Port Kembla, Junee, Dubbo - which transport large amounts of freight, including steel and grain across the state.
Rail, Tram and Bus Union (RTBU) NSW Locomotive Division Secretary, Farren Campbell, said the company's "disgraceful move follows workers' plans to take part in a small, partial work bans as part of current protected industrial action".
Qube workers have been attempting to negotiate their enterprise agreement for more than 12 months.
"This is a callous and outrageous attack on QUBE's workforce which will also have a big impact on the businesses that move freight using QUBE's rail network," Mr Campbell said.
"Qube's train drivers are willing to work and had every intention of turning up to work tonight, but the company is refusing to let them in unless it's on QUBE's terms."
A spokesperson said Qube "remained committed to proceeding to a vote on the proposed 2023 EBA with our employees at the earliest opportunity and we urge the RTBU to return to the bargaining table".
"Having rejected Qube's generous wage offer, including an immediate 7 per cent wage increase back paid to April, the RTBU have decided to impose significant work bans and stoppages on Qube's NSW rail operations," the spokesperson said.
"While this is regrettable, as an integrated logistics provider, Qube has the ability to flexibly redirect resources and to leverage our capabilities across the supply chain to deliver responsible freight and transport solutions for our customers.
"As a result, we do not anticipate significant operational impacts for the majority of our customers as a consequence of the RTBU's actions.
"Qube and the RTBU have been in negotiations on a new EBA for more than 12 months. Qube's most recent wage offer of 7 per cent, 5 per cent, 5 per cent over three years would have seen NSW EA train drivers paid more than 30 per cent above the applicable award."