Trafford council’s leader has announced he is standing to be Labour’s Stretford and Urmston MP candidate. Coun Andrew Western said he was focusing on ‘winning again’ for Trafford Labour in the local elections last week, but now that they’re over for another year, he could openly discuss his decision to stand.
He said: “I am delighted to confirm that I will be putting myself forward for consideration. “I look forward to meeting with and catching up with local members in the weeks ahead to discuss your priorities for our area and my vision for the future of Stretford and Urmston.
“In the meantime if you have any questions, or anything at all you’d like to discuss, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.”
The council leader has stood to be selected as an MP in the past. He faced Sir Graham Brady in the 2019 General Election in Altrincham and Sale West.
Coun Western missed out on snatching the Chairman of the 1922 Committee’s seat by a considerable margin. Now, with a change of targeted seat, Coun Western hopes Labour will select him to be their candidate for Stretford and Urmston.
If selected, Coun Western would be fighting to hold the seat for Labour as stalwart, outgoing Kate Green is set to stand down at the next election.

Following his announcement, the council leader added: “Thanks everyone for the lovely comments and messages of support – pleased to say I’ve now submitted my application, so the adventure starts here.”
Another Trafford councillor has previously indicated they’ll also be standing to be chosen as Labour’s next candidate for the seat. Coun Joanne Harding, councillor of Urmston and executive member for adult social care said he is hoping to also be chosen by the Labour group.
The Conservatives, Greens and Liberal Democrats have yet to announce their possible or chosen candidates for the seat.