Neighbours say traffic on a road near a Nottinghamshire school can be "absolute bedlam" and is an accident waiting to happen. It comes after three serious crashes on The Banks in Bingham in the last year, with traffic problems being reported near the junction with Toot Hill Academy and Bingham Leisure Centre.
Now, a local councillor is calling for nine speed bumps to be installed to try and slow traffic down - though some people don't see that fixing the problem. There are also concerns over irresponsible parking and cars using The Banks as a rat-run through the town, with residents there claiming the small nature of the road means it simply can't handle the level of traffic it currently experiences most days.
Residents have told Nottinghamshire Live that they don't believe the imminent opening of the new leisure centre in nearby Chapel Lane - moving the leisure centre away from the school site - will alleviate the high volume of traffic the road experiences, with a lot coming from parents or children driving to school, or other drivers using it to cut through on their way elsewhere.
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One resident, who has lived on the street for more than 40 years and wished to remain anonymous, said: "It's very difficult because the school is so big now, they have a sixth form and a lot of the students drive there. You can drive on this road at one time and there are virtually no cars at all, then at other times there is no space at all.
"It's pretty much impossible to get the car off the driveway when it's really bad."

Sue Robinson, who is now retired and has lived on the road for the past 18 years, told Nottinghamshire Live: "A police car had to come down here the other day and it struggled and I thought 'what if this was an ambulance trying to get through?' At around 8am it's particularly bad.
"Sometimes you just get blocked in the house. People tailgate each other - it's during drop off and pick up times. In other parts of Rushcliffe such as West Bridgford, they have 20mph and speed bumps - I think that might improve things here, at least."
83-year-old Roger Penrose, who is also retired and lives nearby, said: "I'm all for something being done. I walk the dog, I don't drive anymore, and you have all the cars parked up on the pavement - it's like being in London. There are too many cars, more people should be walking. I know some people wanted to make this residents' parking only."

Another resident, who wished to remain anonymous, didn't believe adding speed bumps would solve the problem. They said: "It's like everything in that you need accept where you live won't be perfect. One of the main problems is cars use this road as a thorough-fare, they come along here when they drop their kids off at the other school as well as this one.
"Speed bumps won't solve much, I don't think, because a lot of your problems are with parking - people park on dropped kerbs and other places where they shouldn't. At around 8am, it's absolute bedlam around here. This road isn't designed to deal with this volume of traffic and that's something which isn't easily fixed."
Local councillor Francis Purdue-Horan is now leading calls for a full public consultation to take place, saying "one accident is one too many". Councillor Purdue-Horan said: “There have been three accidents including a serious injury at this busy junction in the last year alone and a number of near misses. Parents and local residents have been in touch with me to try and find a solution.

"The meeting was positive and after considering police reports and correspondence from the school, it has been suggested the possible installation of nine speed humps along The Banks as an effective measure to slow traffic. I have insisted on a full public consultation – the views of residents on The Banks and the side roads are vital and will be key to whether or not this proposal is acceptable.”
A residents' survey during early autumn will commence the process, before a formal consultation with local residents on the proposals. Councillor Purdue-Horan continued: “It’s clear that we need urgent action. One accident is one too many and I feel that unless this is dealt with quickly – we may see another serious incident. Toot Hill School have been supportive – encouraging pupils to use an unofficial one way system. It’s clear however – that this is a serious accident waiting to happen.”
Dr Chris Eardley, Head Teacher at Toot Hill, said: “The safety of our students is our highest priority. Toot Hill wholeheartedly supports the introduction of speed bumps on The Banks as a speed-reducing measure. We will happily work with both the council and residents to improve safety on this road for all members of our local community.”
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