The green light has been given by county councillors for the building of Nottinghamshire's latest primary school but not before they expressed concerns about the size of the school, inadequate parking spaces and possible traffic problems. Millside Spencer Academy is being built to serve new housing developments in East Leake.
The £13 million 315-place school, which will have a 26-place nursery, is being built on a divided site off Evans Road, which is separated by a privately-owned piece of land and will become a footpath between the main school and the playing field area. Outline planning permission for the school was granted by Nottinghamshire County Council last June.
A temporary school learning village is being set up to cater for local children in time for this September, ahead of the new school being completed in September 2023.
The application was back before the council's planning and rights of way committee with more detailed planning including car parking which allows for 30 spaces, security fencing, play areas and grass playing fields outlined.
It was pointed out to members that if the school exceeds its capacity, then it will be difficult to extend the school and increase pupil intake but members were assured that the council and other local schools would work together if the situation arose.
A lack of a place for parents travelling by car to drop-off and pick up children at the front gate was highlighted by East Leake Parish Council during consultation and a lack of waiting area next to the pedestrian access for parents.
Councillor Matt Barney (Leake and Ruddington) was critical of the 4.2 metre strip of land which separates the two parts of the schools. He said: "I very much regret that the strip of land remains in third party ownership and the school would be better if it did not have this constraint, especially when there is no commercial value to the land."
He also added: "The school is smaller than originally planned and I am concerned it won't be big enough for the future. But is is a wonderful school."
Sustainable features of the school include: high efficiency electrical and lighting equipment; air source heat pumps; high levels of thermal insulation and air tightness; individual room temperature control; sun-cool glass to minimize summer overheating and retaining heat in winter; a building management system for energy monitoring; and the school being all-electric (no gas).
But there is no allowance for the provision of solar panels "in the restricted project budget", according to the planning report. Although Mr Barney said he was hoping to work with groups in the area to secure funding for solar panels.
After around an hour of discussion, it was decided that officers would amend some of the conditions to ensure that local residents were not inconvenienced by parking problems and that a travel plan could be developed to help people reduce their reliance on car travel.
Committee chairman Councillor Richard Butler said that there had been a great deal of debate and discussion on the school which was important and "some serious points had been raised. He added: "I make no apology that it has taken quite some time."
The planning application was passed with modifications and accompanying advisory notes but three councillors decided to abstain from voting either way.