Movie collectors could have a new piece of can't-miss memorabilia thanks to a trading card from Leaf.
What Happened: Leaf Trading Cards offered a limited time trading card featuring worn materials from both Will Smith and Chris Rock.
The card features the word "Gazette" at the top and the words “Smith Slaps Rock At Award Show” with the date of the infamous Academy Awards, which aired on Walt Disney Co (NYSE:DIS) unit ABC.
At the awards show, Smith got out of his seat and slapped Rock over a joke made about his wife Jada Pinkett Smith.
The card does not have a picture of Smith or Rock, instead using the space on the card to feature worn memorabilia. The card contains a swatch of material from the glove worn by Smith on the 2001 movie “Ali,” which featured him portraying legendary boxer Muhammad Ali.
The swatch from Rock features a piece of material from an item of clothing he wore.
Leaf sold 455 copies of the card for $40 each under its Pro Set brand. The card was sold out in less than five hours, according to the company's tweets.
“One of TV’s most memorable moments is now collectible! Don’t miss it!” Leaf said in a tweet.
The company also called out the fact that the card features a piece of a glove from the movie “Ali” — ironic, since it started with a slap.
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Why It’s Important: The slap at the Academy Awards was heard around the world.
The fallout from the event has led to Smith being banned from the Academy Awards and also facing the potential of losing several movie projects to which he was attached.
Rock has seen strong demand for his tickets on his latest stand-up comedy tour, with fans hoping the comedian will address the slap publicly.
Leaf is one of several trading card companies that has lost its deals with sports leagues, which have mostly been snapped up by Fanatics. Leaf releases a limited amount of card sets that feature players without their team jerseys.
For those still hoping to grab one of these unique memorabilia cards, they have been selling for and listed for around the $80 mark on eBay Inc (NASDAQ:EBAY).