Residents of a UK town that was once voted the 'one of the most desirable' places to live say the area has now become a no-go zone, with children as young as 10 running amok in the streets.
Anti-social gangs of children are running riot in the town centre of Caldicot, in Monmouthshire, Wales. Their behaviour has reportedly become such a menace that Gwent Police have been forced to put out dispersal orders.
The system runs from the town centre to surrounding residential streets and has been in force for the past two weeks. It was introduced to stop youths from lingering in the city, and gives cops extra powers to move kids on and arrest them if they return.
Gwent Police 's crackdown comes after a long summer of tension in the town, which was caused by the gangs ’ wrecking sprees and threatening behaviour.
Recalling the horrific incidents that took place, one shop worker revealed they challenged a group of teenagers after they climbed onto her store roof. She was then photographed by the yobs and shockingly threatened that they would post the images online and accuse her of being a paedophile.

In other cases, the young gangs have regularly overturn plant boxes that decorate the streets, smashed shop windows and verbally terrorised the locals.
Many locals claim the youths are often "high" on drugs - including skunk and so-called “hippy crack” nitrous oxide - which they buy in silver canisters and later dump in public places.
The disturbing behaviour of the group has left many adults in Caldicot too scared to leave their homes after 3pm, which is when they say the youths spill out of school and look for trouble in the town.
Opening up about why they daren't leave their home after 3pm - where it is still daylight, regardless of time of year - retired steel worker Melvin Harris, 76, and his 74-year-old wife Kath told The Sun that the youths have no respect for any of the locals in the town and don't respect any boundaries.

Mr Harris said: “There’s not a cat in hell’s chance we’re leaving the house after 3pm. It’s just not safe any more.”
The 76-year-old added that the "kids are out of control".
He opened up about one instant where his granddaughter had a football match, but as soon as the game started, the crowd could hear the youths loudly shouting and slamming doors. Upon going to investigate, the resident said he found the group in the toilets of the venue, "smashing the doors in and making a hell of a racket."
The local went on to say: “When I told them to stop they swore at me and told me to mind my own business. They’re completely lawless. It ruined what should have been a lovely afternoon.”
Another resident, who asked to be identified only as David, revealed that the youths shockingly tell anyone who tries to intervene or interrupt their antisocial behaviour to “f*** off”, saying: “They are making everyone in this beautiful little town’s life a misery."

The 66-year-old, continued to say that he thinks there are around 20 or so youths in little groups of five that gather in the town centre as late as 12am. The gang, who seem no older than 14 or 15, he says, cause "so much misery" and make "the town an awful place to live".
Defeated, he said: "It’s heartbreaking.
“They tip the flower containers over every night outside the library and in the streets, they smash windows and anyone who dares challenge them is given a real mouthful. They use words I’m not going to repeat but they begin with the letter F and end with Off."

And during the summer holidays, the situation isn't any better in the town, as the youths have more time to wreak havoc. According to locals, the gangs keep themselves busy shinnying up drainpipes and trees in order to climb onto the roof of the town’s Original Factory Shop.
Mother-of-two Tasha, 35, said the secondary school the gangs attend is known locally as “the school for ASBO (Anti-Social Behaviour Order) kids”, saying: “That’s where they all go and I guess they’re all trying to impress each other by behaving as badly as they can.
“They’re young so the police can’t do anything to them, the teachers can’t touch them and the parents don’t care."
She went on to question 'why anyone should have to put up' with the lawless behaviour.
And another local, Ceri, 36, said the young gangs are completely 'off their heads smoking skunk'.

She said: “If they were my kids they’d be in serious trouble," adding: “They’re getting worse and worse. When you walk near them, the smell of whatever they’re smoking is overpowering. My friend who knows about these things says they smoke skunk and it sends them off their heads."
Ceri said that gas canisters are strewn all over the town, as after inhaling them the mobs, "then chuck them on the ground when they’re done with them for the council to pick up next morning."
The 36-year-old sadly said the "town used to be a wonderful place to live" but has now been left feeling that Caldicot has become a "really miserable" town.
Life in Caldicot however was not always as grim as it is now. Eight years ago, in 2014, the postcode that covers Caldicot - NP26 - was awarded fourth place in a Royal Mail study of the “most desirable” places to live in Wales.

The town was once under Roman occupation, and has a Norman castle. Just a few miles away from the castle is the town of Chepstow, where famous author JK Rowling was brought up.
A Section 35 dispersal order has been effect for the last two weekends - beginning at 6pm on Fridays and remaining in place until 6pm on Sundays.
The orders cover the areas of Caldicot Castle, the town centre and residential streets nearby.
Sergeant Lee Smith-Stephens said: "Anti-social behaviour can have a negative impact on the quality of life of our communities and it won’t be tolerated in Gwent. Our officers are committed to protecting our communities and will take action against anyone intent on causing harm or disorder.
“If you have any concerns about anti-social behaviour, and see us on our patrols, please do stop to talk to us. Alternatively, you can report your concerns by calling 101, or by sending us a direct message via Facebook or Twitter.”