A self-proclaimed 'cheap holiday expert' has tested whether all-inclusive resorts water down their booze.
The resorts are a firm favourite with people looking for a stress-free getaway - without the hassle of finding restaurants to book or cooking for the family.
Another firm favourite feature includes plenty of free drinks, but some resorts have an unconfirmed reputation for watering down alcohol.
Now, a travel guru and her partner took to Tiktok to put it to the test while staying at a budget hotel in Turkey.
Chelsea said: "We did think we should conduct a scientific experiment just to prove to you that they are legitimate," Chelsea said.
"This is the gin so it should be 37.5% alcohol by volume."
Her partner James then placed a few drops of gin into a testing device and closed the flap so Chelsea could check the reading
She gasped and said: "33%. So 'scientist' James, why could it be that it's a few percentages off?"
James went on to suggest the hot temperature could be the variation that affected the accuracy of the alcohol content.

They then moved on and tried vodka, which should also be 37.5% alcohol by volume - with the same result.
chelsea added: "I don't think they water them down.
"We have literally seen them break the seal on brand new bottles, so I'm gonna go ahead and say that this place is not watering down.
Last year Spain enforced a "six drinks a day" rule for all-inclusive holidays at resorts on several islands including Ibiza and Majorca.
Guests will have to pay for themselves if they have more than six drinks.