Cleanup efforts are underway in Toronto following a major flooding event that struck the city on Tuesday. The torrential downpour led to widespread flooding, power outages, and transportation disruptions.
Authorities reported that at least 14 people had to be rescued from flooding on the Don Valley Parkway as the heavy rains inundated major roadways. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau emphasized the need for improved infrastructure to better prepare for future extreme weather events, citing the impact of climate change.
The flooding caused significant commuter chaos, with major routes and transportation hubs like Union Station being temporarily shut down. While the floodwaters have receded and most roads have reopened, the cleanup process is ongoing.

Fortunately, there were no reported injuries from the flooding, but the images of submerged cars and washed-out roads highlight the scale of the disruption. In Mississauga, residents of a nursing home had to be evacuated due to flooding.
The Toronto and Region Conservation Authority issued warnings about hazardous conditions near bodies of water, urging caution due to high water levels and unstable river banks. Some areas received over 100 millimeters of rain during the storm, leading to continued high water flows in certain rivers.
Even celebrities like Drake were not immune to the effects of the extreme weather, as the rapper shared a video on social media showing flooding inside his mansion. As Toronto works to recover from the flooding, the focus remains on ensuring the city is better equipped to handle future weather challenges.