The North East Business Awards celebrate achievement and highlight successful and innovative businesses doing fantastic things right here in the North East.
Businesses have until the end of March to enter the North East Business Awards 2022 and win the recognition their business deserves.
The awards - which are headline sponsored by Middlesbrough College Group and Sage - shine a light on companies large and small, new and established, and celebrate the determination, entrepreneurial spirit, enterprise, innovation and creativity of our local businesses.
Read more: go here for more North East business news
Companies from across the North East are being urged to submit their entries for the 2022 awards ahead of the deadline on Monday, March 28 - and we've put together some top tips on how to make your application stand out.

1. Give yourself plenty of time
As the old saying goes, if something is worth doing it's worth doing well. Give yourself ample time to consider your thoughts on the projects, products and initiatives that have brought you success over the past year. What have been the highlights over the past year? What have you achieved that has exceeded expectations or seen you go above and beyond your rivals?
2. Choose the right category and don't cut and paste
Sounds straightforward but make sure you choose the category that plays to your strengths and if you are entering more than one category - please don't just use the same content for multiple entries. Judges want to see answers that are tailor made for specific award criteria - it shows you care about your application.
3. Follow the criteria to the letter
Judges will be looking at how to score entrants in each category and that can only be done if you are able to answer the specific points asked of you. Make sure you follow the guidelines and give clear concise answers to each point in turn - make your entry easy to read with subheads to highlight each question.
4. Give examples
If you've had record sales growth this year then make sure you include the figures. Taken on staff? Say how many. The judges need more than general statements, they like details and will be looking out for exactly how you've achieved success this year.
5. If social media is part of your application - get posting
If you've used social media to build brand loyalty and engagement then make sure your posts are up to date. Judges will want to see a vibrant active string of posts and interaction. Get active promoting your entry into the awards too - it won't sway the judges but it will show that you are happy to shout about your success and proves your place in the online community.
6. If you have happy customers - prove it
It's one thing for you to say that customers are satisfied but it's even better to provide testimonials. Do you have customers who will be willing to say how happy they are with your service? Judges don't need an essay but a snippet to illustrate the point will pay dividends.
7. Put yourself in the shoes of the judges
When you have completed your application - check back and honestly ask yourself if it is user friendly - is there too much waffle? Can I make some elements easier to read? Have I broken up the text into clear bitesize chunks? Your entry is all the judges have to go on in deciding whether you make the top spot. Make sure it is enticing and if it links to your website, make sure that is enticing too with an up-to-date homepage.
8. Do your research
It's always a good idea to see who you are up against and while you may not know who your competition is this year, check out last year's winners and finalists - there may be useful insights into why they came up trumps.
9. Ask a colleague to look over your application
It's hard sometimes to be objective about your own work. When you've worked so closely on a project it's difficult to see errors or omissions - ask a colleague or two to look over your application. They may recommend including something that you haven't thought of or come up with a new idea.
10. Check, check and check again
Don't scrimp on the details. Before you press send, give your entry a final proof for spelling and grammar and read it aloud - it is such a useful way to make sure your sentences make sense. Rewrite parts if necessary - the attention to detail will be worth it.
There are 10 categories up for grabs including the coveted Company of the Year award and the brand new Diversity and Inclusion Award.
Newcomer of the Year
Small Business Award
- sponsored by Newcastle City Council
Services Award
Apprenticeships, Training & Skills Award
- sponsored by Middlesbrough College Group and CIPD
High Growth & Ambition Award
- sponsored by FW Capital, University of Sunderland and Lexus Newcastle
Heart of the Community Award
Innovation & Technology Award
- sponsored by Sage and Lexus Teesside
Manufacturing Award
- sponsored by Nifco
Diversity & Inclusion Award
Company of the Year
- sponsored by Business Durham, Newcastle University and Tees Valley Business
The North East Business Awards 2022 are open for entries until March 28, with the sub-regional heats taking place in May and June, and the grand final on September 29, 2022.
For more information and to enter please click here